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heaters for garage or kennel

What do people us to keep their kennels warm. I would like something that will keep it warm but not be harmfull to them with fumes or electicution(sp) Also with a thermastat

Re: heaters for garage or kennel

It is pretty old school but brooder (chicken) lights hanging high enough to be out of reach and straw bales arranged like a den shape, strong boards across the top with bales on the "roof", and deep straw on the floor is what we did when we had to do without electricity in the barn. When it got bitterly cold the dogs came inside. A singleton will be likely to get cold fast. A small pack will usually curl up near each other in the den.

I have also used the stand up radiator type heater (oil filled electric with thermostat) but I ran the cord thru a chewproof tube (PVC or very heavy cardboard like carpet is rolled around) and secured the heater and tube with heavy wire to something sturdy so as not to get knocked over. I used this inside an unheated sun porch of course. Not outside.

Re: heaters for garage or kennel

I use an infrared gas heater that is hung from the wall. You need a couple of feet of clearance above it, though. I love it because it heats under the dogs, is thermostatically controlled, and uses no electricity, so if the power goes out (ice storm most likely around here when we need heat), the kennel will still be warmed, though we might be frozen in the house!

This is like what we have (no idea where I ordered it, though):

Re: heaters for garage or kennel

Nice deep bedding and body heat.

Re: heaters for garage or kennel

Brooder lamps, cords and lamps hung WAY high, so as when I put my hand flat on the floor of their inside run, it feels room temp. We built our place with plugs on the ceilings, so everything is attached safely up and out of the way. No straw here, hubby has a nice system, "fatigue" rubber mats underneath, which provides cushion and insulation and keeps the upper matting (cow matting) up off the cement floor. The cow matting on top acts like "pants saver" car floor mats, whereby any wetness goes down into the little lines that are grooved in and either runs away or evaporates. He also makes an excellent frame to go around the entire edge, with metal trim on all the corners so no one can chew. Cleaning is heavy work, getting the frames up and the heavy mats outside to be power washed, but we don't have to do that so often. And in between we can just lift a bit and vacuum underneath.

As for the lamps, I use one lamp for two runs, so it's hung kind of in the middle of the two, that way, there's the warmer area where the light shines and also an area the dog can go to without it. Keeps costs down and works well, I use half the lamps. Make sure the lightbulb has a metal cage type cover over it. I also use the heat lamps that come with a high-low switch and given these are Labs, pretty much only ever use the low setting. This system has worked well for us for many years.

Dogs come into this area from outside at their will, using double hinged, 2 way dog doors. So no snow or rain blows in. I do like the way this works for us.

Re: heaters for garage or kennel

I use an overhead radiant heater. It a long tubular shape that is approx. 40 ft. in length.
It is a very comfortable type of heat.

Re: heaters for garage or kennel

Gas heater on wall - set to very low maintains a fairly large kennel building (aka 3 car garage) at a nice temp.

It is cheap to run, low maintenance and is simple small and perfect.

The fear with lights - breakage (they are HEAT lamps) and glass can fall. Also - electricity rates around 12 cents per kwh can be pricey to run.

Good luck

Re: Duckless Air Conditioner/Heater

We are putting this in the new barn
very safe, energy efficient and the M Series
Heat Pump is one unit that will provide heating
and air conditioning all year long

Re: heaters for garage or kennel

Heating pads,