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We have puppies!! Its been 2 years since my last litter. Donut started at 8:30 last night, had her 7th at 6AM this morning,sonogram on day 30 showed 6, her waistline says more. I have been up for about 48 hours...I guess I will stay up a couple more just to make sure nothing happens. She is a good mom, took nice 2 - 3 hour naps between pups but she would push a pup out but not take care of it...after I did the dirty work, she wanted it!! So what's a couple more hours! We have 5 YM, 1 BF & 1 YF.

Re: Puppies

Congrats!!! Enjoy your puppies and get some sleep. I do find however if you need to keep awake that the Monster drinks ( the teenagers drink) Do you wonders. You will not be thinking about sleep.

Re: Puppies

Congrats Debi!

Re: Puppies

congrats Deb! Enjoy them!

Re: Puppies

And this is not an advertisment?

Re: Puppies

Why can't we all just be happy that all the puppies are health and the mother is doing well? I think Deb is just excited and wanted to share her joy, not sell her puppies.

Re: Puppies

FYI - STUFF IT!.....please JMO. For all you know Debi may have the entire litter already spoken for (as is the case with many breeders) so quit raining on her parade while she's sharing GOOD news!

Re: Puppies

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Glad things went well and you finally got your desired litter.

Re: Puppies

Congratulations Debi! It is always wonderful to hear about a healthy, anxiously awaited litter and smooth whelping. Enjoy your babies!!

Re: Puppies

I'm so jealous...nothing like puppy breath in the morning with my coffee. Congrats to you too and know I am grinning as I write this. 2 years for me too and I am "puppy hungry". I wish you the best of everything possible with your babies.

Ed note: the way some people look for faults, you'd think there was a reward. Deep breath and blow it all away.

Re: Puppies

Congrats on your long awaited litter. Here's to good health for momma and babies!

Re: Puppies

Congratulations Debi, I'm glad all is well. Get some sleep!

Re: Puppies

Congrats Deb!! Hugs to you and Donut. Enjoy those babies.

Re: Puppies

Congratulations Deb!!! Enjoy your new little ones.

Re: Puppies

I, for one, love hearing about a natural birth and all puppies doing fine. There are so many c-sections and problems, it's great to hear she whelped a litter of seven with ease. Have fun and enjoy your babies!

Re: Puppies

7 smiles for 7 bundles of joy, congratulations Debi! Enjoy the puppy breath, I'm missing the same too.

I don't know why there's always 1 mean spirited person. Can't you be happy for Debi poster that called this advertising. It sounds like the green eye'd monster to me.

Re: Puppies

Congratulations, enjoy your new babies!

Re: Puppies

Yes, congrats on your litter. There have been alot of very small litters, C-section or lost litters. So glad to hear all is well with the mom and pups.

Re: Puppies

Thanks everyone. Donut and babies are doing great. I have to laugh....someone on another forum said that her new mom was going to lick her puppies to death! Donut is the same way. Its a wonder they have any coat left. She wants these little guys clean!

Re: Puppies

That's wonderful news Debi - GO DONUT!!!