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horners syndrome

our 12 year old was just diagnosed with horners syndrome. dr said is should resolve in time..anyone ever had it? did it resolve? thanks

Re: horners syndrome

I had this once with my 11 yr old however, she was exp. other health issues at the time . Hers resolved in less than one week.
My cousins lab was diagnosed with diabetes at age 9, a few months into the treatment he developed Horners. His comes and goes according to his sugar levels however, when he gets it it lasts much longer, weeks at a time.
It appears worse than it really is, scary when you first see it, I know. Hope your baby's resolves quickly.

Re: horners syndrome

I have had a Lab (at about age 12) and a Pug (age 4) with it -- both resolved. We had to use Atropine eye drops for the Lab and hers resolved in a couple of weeks. The Pug had a very severe ear infection that affected the nerves in her face so took a few months to totally clear up. The affected eye still looks like it is not as wide open as the other but you really have to stare at her to notice it.

Re: horners syndrome

I also had it in an older Lab, 10 or 11 years old, and yes, it did resolve.