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Have a question for ya'll about temperament testing [TT]

I'm noticing more and more *TT's* at the end of a dog's name on websites in the same place a title or certificate would be. It obviously means temperament tested.

I have had temperament testing done numerous times at age 7 weeks on all pups in a litter by either a trainer or someone who knows how to do it properly. The person has never been with my pups prior. It's always been done in their own setting, my home. I've read recently that some move the pups to a different environment. I have never done that.

I have a form with ratings for each pup that is properly temperament testing. A copy is given to each buyer for their pup in their going home, puppy packet along with a health certificate from the vet, innoculation information, worming dates and other documentation the buyer needs.

My question is, should I or any other breeders put this the end of the AKC registered name? If so, should it be done through a society like the American Temperament Test Society? I have not done my testing affiliated with them.

I personally have never included this on a website or document and am not anxious to do so. I'm curious if it should be done if proper temperament testing took place. I do give my puppy buyers the results of the temperament testing of their pup and show them some of the other results. I explain why I narrow choices of certain pups for certain buyers trying to find the right fit for all concerned. Buyers have asked me on rare occasion why I don't have this information displayed on my website. This is one of the few reasons I am asking.

I'm not looking to cause any problems if this isn't appropriate. I just don't know if it is.

TIA for information regarding a "TT" being displayed.

Re: Have a question for ya'll about temperament testing [TT]

On this web site you will find info about temperament testing that leads to the title or certification "TT"

This is different than the puppy temperament testing that is done about age 7 weeks. I've had it done for litters by a stranger to them in a part of my house that they have never been in but I have learned that testing mainly just confirms what I've observed in my litters over the last 7 weeks. I have found some people put way too much stock in the score/results of one or two items on the test. (ex. 6 1/2 week old puppy didn't come immediately when called during testing but did some sniffing on the way to tester and around her, prospective buyer then didn't feel pup was suitable for her needs even though the rest of test scores were great)

When that testing is done it is just a "snapshot" of the puppy in those few minutes and can really vary on time of day, whether puppy is tired, just fed, etc. You can get totally different results the next hour or the next day so although I do share the info with anyone interested in my pups I also think they have to take into consideration what I have observed since birth.

Re: Have a question for ya'll about temperament testing [TT]

Deb H.
On this web site you will find info about temperament testing that leads to the title or certification "TT"

This is different than the puppy temperament testing that is done about age 7 weeks. I've had it done for litters by a stranger to them in a part of my house that they have never been in but I have learned that testing mainly just confirms what I've observed in my litters over the last 7 weeks. I have found some people put way too much stock in the score/results of one or two items on the test. (ex. 6 1/2 week old puppy didn't come immediately when called during testing but did some sniffing on the way to tester and around her, prospective buyer then didn't feel pup was suitable for her needs even though the rest of test scores were great)

When that testing is done it is just a "snapshot" of the puppy in those few minutes and can really vary on time of day, whether puppy is tired, just fed, etc. You can get totally different results the next hour or the next day so although I do share the info with anyone interested in my pups I also think they have to take into consideration what I have observed since birth.

Thank you Deb. I did go to that site but didn't have much chance to read it. I will read all of it, 1st will be the part you recommended about the testing.

I agree with you about observations. What we see in those 7 weeks we are with our puppies usually is accurate. I've found standard temperament testing can also find some pups tired when others aren't. The prospective buyers sometimes think they know more about our pups than we do. After all we are raising them from whelping and sometimes have generations of relatives with us.

Now, if temperament testing is done this way and the dog already has titles or certificates, where is the placement of TT put?

Your explanation helped. Thanks for answering my posting about TT titles.

Re: Have a question for ya'll about temperament testing [TT]

It looks like the TT title goes at the end of the name like CGC or WC. My other understanding of the temp. test is that it scored differently for different breeds.
Ex. you would expect a Doberman to act differently than a Lab when a stranger appears.

Here are a few titled dogs and how the titles are listed:,-TT.html