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fluid filled cyst base of tail puppy

Have a 14 week old puppy in for 3rd DHPP and exam yesterday. My vet gives a very thorough exam and found a small cyst at the base of the puppy's tail (underside) at about the 3rd vertebrae of the tail.
He did a needle aspirate, drained fluid and the lump was gone. Did a cytology on the fluid and it didn't show any suspicious cells or any cells to indicate inflammation (just some epitheal cells). On palpatation of the lump (which was moveable), the puppy didn't exhibit any discomfort. Vet said it was not near the nerve endings at the base of the tail, and that while he doesn't know why it occurred, he would consider it more a "cosmetic" issue. Worse case scenerio he forsees it that it could fill up with fluid again, and that it could be removed (and sent to pathology to know for sure what it is) when she was under for a spay.

He did say he hasn't see this in a puppy before. I have a 10 year old that has one of those type lumps under the base of her tail and initially we had the fluid aspirated a couple times if we were at the vet for a routine appt or some other reason, but now I just don't even bother having that done since it doesn't cause her any discomfort.

From what I read on the net, it could even be from a trauma. Has anyone ever had experience with something like this with a puppy and could you share what the eventual outcome was (did it reappear, did you have it removed)?

Re: fluid filled cyst base of tail puppy

Since it is near the spine (tail part of spine): Ask the vet if there is any possibility that it could be a dermoid cyst or sinus, similar to what appears in Rhodesian Ridgebacks, that goes down to the spine. Probably not, but I would recommend having her looked at by a specialist or a vet familiar with the RRs. For more information, see links off,
Even experienced vets and breeders looking for them on RR pups can miss them anywhere, but even more so on the tail. If there is any chance that it goes to the spine, the pup needs to be on antibiotics.
These dermoids, especially just a cyst not a sinus, can show up on any breed: I know of a Cavalier pup who was born wtih at least one superficially on his head, and surgery was successful. "Boo Boo Boy" did well, according to his breeder. I can't think of too many breeds less like a RR than a Cavalier, but dogs are dogs, and midline defects occur in many ways.
Of course a cyst can show up anywhere from an injury or thorn or whatever. Hope that is all it is.

Re: fluid filled cyst base of tail puppy

We had one on a puppy many many years ago. The puppy was given antibiotics and some antibiotic/hydrocortisone oinment to put on the cyst. it went down some, but didn't completely go away but didn't bother the puppy at all and the was no recurrence there. It was the only one we have ever seen as well. Didn't seem to have any long term effect on the puppy either.

Re: fluid filled cyst base of tail puppy

I have a 3 year old bitch with this. It's been aspirated etc and nothing serious has shown up. It has been there for several months and hasn't changed in size. It doesn't seem to bother her either.

Re: fluid filled cyst base of tail puppy

Ive had 3 pups with them over the years, liquid antibiotics cleared it up with no problems,no returns. They are on the tail alot as that is where other pups grab them when they are playing. Vet has lanced them, drained. The first puppy to ever have it, i still have here, 9 years old now, never any problems at all. I did notice on here, where the area was, where she is yellow, there is a few black hairs there.
Dont worry, cats get them alot my vet said, she will be fine with meds and also, maybe wash her with antibacterial soap or surgical scrub solution from your vet, a few times a week.