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Interesting story re: cloning a labrador

Not sure if you saw this article yet... Thought it was interesting and would share... Enjoy!

The labrador in the article is not a champion but thought I would ask the following:

Can you clone a champion labrador and it would still be a champion? Just curious on your thoughts.

Interesting story re: cloning a labrador

I saw a program about this "cloned" dog a number of months ago. The puppy really did not resemble (in the head could not tell much about the rest of him) the other dog except for breed, sex and similarity in color.

Interesting story re: cloning a labrador

I see in the new Gazette that the owner is trying to get the cloned lab registered.

Interesting story re: cloning a labrador

I see in the new Gazette that the owner is trying to get the cloned lab registered.

Where can we find this article?

Interesting story re: cloning a labrador

Site attached above: right above happy face
just cut & paste

Interesting story re: cloning a labrador

Gazette: Page 129 under Cloned Dogs.

Interesting story re: cloning a labrador

Haven't had a chance to check yet , but does anyone know what the AKC's policy is on Cloned dogs????

Interesting story re: cloning a labrador

Oops! Was having a very duhhh moment when I answered the question about location of article! Sorry!

Interesting story re: cloning a labrador

There was a cloned dog, not sure if same one, ENTERED in dog shows, owners just used original registration. The whelp date was what gave it away, dog was entered in Jr dog classes and whelp date was 10 plus years ago. This caused a BIT of an uproar.

The owners did not exhibit the dog...........

It will be most interesting to see if this dog is used to reproduce successfully. The owners can easily register the dog with one of the "alternative" registries. Continental Kennel Club(CKC) is a favorite in these parts....more in this registry than AKC, lots of litters.

Truly, I think just people who love their dog that much.

Interesting story re: cloning a labrador

I saw a program about this "cloned" dog a number of months ago. The puppy really did not resemble (in the head could not tell much about the rest of him) the other dog except for breed, sex and similarity in color.

I think it's rather sick. Also heard it was entered in an International show with some dead dog's AKC registration number.

Sick if you ask me.

Interesting story re: cloning a labrador

This has been discussed before. This thread must be a clone.