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puppy replacement?

Not my dog but a friends. She placed a puppy to a very nice couple about a year ago. Never heard a word that puppy was having any problems. The lady seems to me like she might be a little too nice and sweet to question her vet more I guess? Says the puppy seemed to be scratching as a pup so the vet put him on a perscription diet. I think she said Hills perscription. So that is what the puppy has been raised on. Not sure about the food as I have never fed anything like it. So now she calls and said she was to get another puppy for a fiend to this one. She wants a free one because this one "could" also have mild HD. Vet said no need for treatment right now though???? The lady seems really nice also but how do you know when they either have a vet taking advatage of them or are just wanting a free puppy? I guess I am a little confused as to why a vet would have put him on a high dollar perscription food with no allergy testing or real problems and just left him on that??

Re: puppy replacement?

BTW in no way trying to get out of taking responsiblity for her puppy. Just a little confused as why if she was having problems with this puppy and had to put him on food like that, why she would not have said anything. Also she did send some paper work from her vet (I have not seen it yet) but she (my friend) said she could see on the bottom where it said no treatment needed? Everything just seems a little odd I guess.

Re: puppy replacement?

What's the contract say? I give no replacement puppy without xrays being submitted to the OFA. This is stated in my contract. I point out that it is the same process I use to "clear" my dogs for hips/elbows. If they choose not to follow what is written in the contract, then that is their choice.

Sorry, but most of us know that our dogs go to homes to be "companions". Is this dog any less a companion? No. But you can't honor a contract if they don't want to follow what was noted as the "process" by the breeder.

Re: puppy replacement?

Xrays need to be taken and sent to OFA before any further discussions are entertained.

Honestly, my first gut reaction was that it seemed fishy, and I wouldn't sell them another puppy.

Re: puppy replacement?

Ok she asked the owner if she could email the xrays to her or her vet. owner says her vet told her no they could not email and could not get the copy of an xray as it is property of the vet? Not sure about you guys but my vet would have no problem with giving me something I paid for.
Also she said that the dog food for this one dog is 120 a month. So I am still wondering if this was the case and she has been feeding it since she got him why would she have not complained or at least said something?

Re: puppy replacement?

She paid for those x-rays!!! They're hers!!!!!!!!!

If the vet won't let her have them, ORDER the vet to send them to OFA.

Something isn't right.


Re: puppy replacement?

ok she sent me part of the email she got today but it still makes no sense as the pup is just over a year old and she does not know what kind of testing they did for allergies??

allergies have been prominate for about 2 years, since about the time we got him. He has a sensative stomach to food but manly with the processing into the blood stream of the food ingrediants. He has skin allergies that then turn into staph infections. He has allergies to his webbed paws in part to all of this.

Re: puppy replacement?

Am I missing something here? You say the dog is 1 year old but has had alergies for 2 years? First I would suggest to get the dog off the $120 a month food. Get a good fish and rice formula or lamb and rice, or fish and sweet potatoe formula with no corn, wheat or soy. That should clear up the alergies. As far as the displasia, if the vet wont give up the x ray, get another x ray taken and submit it to OFA! But go to a vet that does good OFA x rays. Sounds like they need a new vet anyways. It sounds like a vet is taking advantage! JMO

Re: puppy replacement?

The xrays are the owner's property, not the vet's. there are red flags all over this one, and I would absolutely not do anything until my own vet saw the xrays .. some vets do like to sell their own variety of dog food (huge mark up on it - and sorry if I offend any vets on here by saying that)... I'd be advocating - strongly - for a second opinion..

Re: puppy replacement?

X-Rays are part of the patients permanent medical records at the practice just as the patient's chart belongs to the veterinary practice. The client pays for the service of taking the films but the actual films belong to the hospital. Again....Veterinarians are not out to bilk their clients out of their life savings...they are trying their best to care for their patients the best way they know how. If a client does not feel that they have a trusting relationship with their vet they should find another vet.

Re: puppy replacement?

That is true, Xrays are the property of the vet.
Having said that, I would never place a puppy with a family who uses a vet that does not operate the way I like. They have too much power over the family and if you don't like the way the vet treats this dog, you won't like the way he treats the replacement either. I would just pay them the money if a replacement is in the contract and be done with them and their nitwit vet.

Re: puppy replacement?

no matter who the xrays belong to unless they are submitted to OFA I would not even consider it an issue.

Sounds like this vet may not be sure and does not want to look like a fool.

Re: puppy replacement?

Just Breeder
That is true, Xrays are the property of the vet.
Having said that, I would never place a puppy with a family who uses a vet that does not operate the way I like. They have too much power over the family and if you don't like the way the vet treats this dog, you won't like the way he treats the replacement either. I would just pay them the money if a replacement is in the contract and be done with them and their nitwit vet.

Yes, radiographs are the vet's and part of the dog's record. The dog owner is entitled to borrow them or have copies made either free or at a copy fee per film.

The story does sound exceptionally fishy. I would tell your friend to document all contact. She needs to save those emails not only on her computer along with her responses.

Re: puppy replacement?

Property of the vet or not, no refunds or replacements until OFA reads and grades hips with a failing reading including DJD. As discussed in another thread, without DJD, there is no proof that the dog is in fact, dysplastic.
That is unless, of course, the dog has no hip sockets or something indisputable like that.
If the dog is indeed deemed to have tru hip dysplasia, then refer to your signed contract.
Whatever it promises, or doesn't, is what you need to do.
I would assume you put a lot of thought into making up your contract and there were reasons for everything in it. So stick to it!

Re: puppy replacement?

Xrays need to be taken and sent to OFA