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Obama's Regulatory Czar

I remember the nomination of this animal rights person being discussed a few months ago, but I received a nice easy link from the US Sportsmen's Alliance to contact your Senators to ask them to block this nomination. You don't even have to look up your senators, they do it for you:

Just click on the "Click here to contact your Senator" link.

Click on this link now, it will take you 2 minutes! NO excuses for anyone..its so easy!!

Thanks Gail! This is the greatest, most easy way for us to contact our senators. No one on this forum has any excuse not too when they see how easy it is!!!!!! Do it!!!!!!!

click, click, sign, done.
You can even add a line or two of your own to the bottom of the already written email, to personalize it.

send the link to all your friends, too!

Re: Click on this link now, it will take you 2 minutes! NO excuses for anyone..its so easy!!

He's been confirmed by the Senate earlier this week. The block wasn't good enough and it went to vote. They needed 60 votes and he got 63, including votes from members of the sportsman alliance. Very sad for the future of our country.

Re: Click on this link now, it will take you 2 minutes! NO excuses for anyone..its so easy!!

I received this by email on Thursday 10 September:

Debate on “Regulatory Czar” Ended By U.S. Senate

Vote Held Despite Senator’s Attempt to Put Hold on Nomination

Columbus) – Tonight the U.S. Senate voted to end debate on the nomination of one of the most outspoken animal rights, anti-hunting, and anti- Second Amendment individuals to a high government position. By a 63-35 vote, only five votes short of what was needed to block the appointment, debate stopped on the nomination of Cass Sunstein to serve as the head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA).

Of the 63 senators that voted in favor of Sunstein, an anti-hunter, 22 were members of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus, or 42 percent.

The vote was held despite the efforts of Senator Johnny Isakson (R- GA) to place a “hold” on the nomination of Sunstein.

The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance (USSA) and the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) made this confirmation fight a top priority. These efforts were also aided by many conservation groups from around the nation such as: National Shooting Sports Foundation, Masters of Foxhounds Association of North America, Fur Takers of America, National Trappers’ Association, Conservation Force, Shikar Safari Club, Mule Deer Foundation, Delta Water Fowl Foundation, Pope and Young Club, Dallas Safari Club, Whitetails Unlimited, Inc., Houston Safari Club, Texas Wildlife Association, and the Wild Sheep Foundation.

The efforts of those groups and many others were instrumental in persuading Sen. Isakson to attempt placing a “hold” on Sunstein.

“We are disappointed with the outcome of tonight’s vote, especially that so many members of the Senate claiming to be pro-sportsman voted in favor of a nominee who has expressed that recreational hunting could be banned,” stated USSA President and CEO Bud Pidgeon. “Nonetheless, the USSA and our partners had an obligation to fight this appointment. Sportsmen all across America will clearly be able to see which senators, along with Sen. Isakson, were willing to stand up for them.”

The USSA and others argued for weeks that Sunstein’s views on giving animals standing in court and banning recreational hunting would pose an intolerable threat to sportsmen given the critical position the OIRA has in the implementation of all federal rules.

Click Here for a full list of how senators voted.

The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance is a national association of sportsmen and sportsmen’s organizations that protects the rights of hunters, anglers and trappers in the courts, legislatures, at the ballot, in Congress and through public education programs. For more information about the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance and its work, call (614) 888-4868 or visit its website,

The above is from (you can get to the links from the webpage-- I don't know how to add links here). Interesting to see the list of Sportsman Alliance members who voted for Sunstein, especially those from states who are very pro-hunting. Both of my Texas senators opposed him.

Re: Click on this link now, it will take you 2 minutes! NO excuses for anyone..its so easy!!

For those of you who still may have your head in the sand regarding this administration's ultimate agenda:

"All that's necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" ...Ben Franklin

Re: Obama's Regulatory Czar

This only ends debate in the senate and doesn't confirm him. What about the house?
I did write my senators as well as the one trying to block thanking him for his efforts.
I think he is a horrendous choice and said so even though I am on the other side of the fence from a lot of you on other issues.

Re: Obama's Regulatory Czar

not happy
This only ends debate in the senate and doesn't confirm him. What about the house?
I did write my senators as well as the one trying to block thanking him for his efforts.
I think he is a horrendous choice and said so even though I am on the other side of the fence from a lot of you on other issues.

He is an abhorrent choice I agree but unfortunately he has been confirmed. I was surprised to read who voted to confirm. Judd Gregg is as conservative a senator as any and he voted in favor! Thank you for the link Carrie. Take a minute to see what other Republicans are talking out of both sides of their mouths.

Re: Click on this link now, it will take you 2 minutes! NO excuses for anyone..its so easy!!

Barb, You are right. This is horrible. What's next? I can't bear to think. Obama might just go on T.V. and tell kids to work hard in school. That is the last thing we want all those minority inner city kids to hear. Our dogs and then our kids. Darn socialist! I should have voted for Sarah Palin.

Barb @ Red Birch
For those of you who still may have your head in the sand regarding this administration's ultimate agenda:

"All that's necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" ...Ben Franklin

Re: Obama's Regulatory Czar

How do they hide all this to the last minute. They don't want to hear from us. I wrote my congressmen anyway. Who the HELLLLLL0 do they think they are ?
What is next. We can't have free speach if they close the door before we have a choice.

Re: Obama's Regulatory Czar

I just want to remind everyone that things were also done this way the last 8 years (or the last 24 years, etc.). It is the government as a whole, not just what's been going on in the last 8 months that is not responsive to the people. Seems like once someone gets elected they forget about us "little people" who donated, voted for them, etc. no matter which party they are representing.

Re: Obama's Regulatory Czar

not happy
I just want to remind everyone that things were also done this way the last 8 years (or the last 24 years, etc.). It is the government as a whole, not just what's been going on in the last 8 months that is not responsive to the people. Seems like once someone gets elected they forget about us "little people" who donated, voted for them, etc. no matter which party they are representing.

It's all about the money. Kind of think those who voted for him were paid off! Happens all the time. Very very sad.

Re: Obama's Regulatory Czar

What is going to happen?

Re: Click on this link now, it will take you 2 minutes! NO excuses for anyone..its so easy!!

misguided lab breeder
Barb, You are right. This is horrible. What's next? I can't bear to think. Obama might just go on T.V. and tell kids to work hard in school. That is the last thing we want all those minority inner city kids to hear. Our dogs and then our kids. Darn socialist! I should have voted for Sarah Palin.

Barb @ Red Birch
For those of you who still may have your head in the sand regarding this administration's ultimate agenda:

"All that's necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" ...Ben Franklin

Have another sip of Kool-Aid, you seem to be thirsty for another cup of crap.

Re: Click on this link now, it will take you 2 minutes! NO excuses for anyone..its so easy!!

misguided lab breeder
Barb, You are right. This is horrible. What's next? I can't bear to think. Obama might just go on T.V. and tell kids to work hard in school. That is the last thing we want all those minority inner city kids to hear. Our dogs and then our kids. Darn socialist! I should have voted for Sarah Palin.

Barb @ Red Birch
For those of you who still may have your head in the sand regarding this administration's ultimate agenda:

"All that's necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" ...Ben Franklin

I believe I heard him say in his REVISED speech that he was a goof off in school. So, wouldn't that be the same as saying to the kids, "Go ahead, be a goof off, and you just may grow up to be president!"

Re: Click on this link now, it will take you 2 minutes! NO excuses for anyone..its so easy!!

OK.....I get it. Mr. Obama was not born in America. He was a goof off in school so his law degree must be a fake. He is a socialist.

OMG, What have we gotten ourselves into?

Seriously, can anyone here take a quote and keep it in context?

misguided lab breeder
Barb, You are right. This is horrible. What's next? I can't bear to think. Obama might just go on T.V. and tell kids to work hard in school. That is the last thing we want all those minority inner city kids to hear. Our dogs and then our kids. Darn socialist! I should have voted for Sarah Palin.

Barb @ Red Birch
For those of you who still may have your head in the sand regarding this administration's ultimate agenda:

"All that's necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" ...Ben Franklin

I believe I heard him say in his REVISED speech that he was a goof off in school. So, wouldn't that be the same as saying to the kids, "Go ahead, be a goof off, and you just may grow up to be president!"

Re: Click on this link now, it will take you 2 minutes! NO excuses for anyone..its so easy!!

In order to quiet those who are having a cow at my remarks, this is NOT a Republican/Democrat thing, nor is it a black/white's been coming for many years and is bearing down on us at unbelievable speed right now. Whether you wish to acknowledge it or not is up to you...but our freedoms are being steadily eroded one by one in the name of "BIG and BIGGER government knows best for us all".

For now and as long as I am able, I plan to assert my RIGHT to free speech to comment on life/events as I see them, backed up with FACTS, not simply emotions. If more people would do their homework and study some history and economics, they just might begin to understand what I'm saying.

Have a great evening...give your labbies a hug!

Re: Click on this link now, it will take you 2 minutes! NO excuses for anyone..its so easy!!

Rapists and murderers are evil. PETA and HSUS are simply moronic jerks. The 60% of people, including 75% of doctors, who support the public health care option are mostly caring intelligent people with a different opinion than you Barb.

While you are asserting your right of free speech and your extensive knowledge of history and economics, can you please give us a lesson on Calvinism?

Barb @ Red Birch
For those of you who still may have your head in the sand regarding this administration's ultimate agenda:

"All that's necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" ...Ben Franklin