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EIC degrees

Are there different "degrees" of EIC, like seizures?
Do dogs who are going to collapse always collapse or can they just wobble,have intolerance to heat, pant etc? If a dog does collapse what are you supposed to immed do for them (before getting to a vet)?
Thank you

Re: EIC degrees

Interesting question. Several people have indicated that they think their dogs can sense when they are about to have a collapse and avoid it by reducing their activity. Is that one reason why some dogs don't collapse?

Re: EIC degrees

From the U of MN website:


If a collapsing Labrador Retriever is confirmed to have EIC (i.e. blood test confirms two copies of the EIC mutation), it should be recommended that participation in trigger activities be limited and that the dog be monitored closely so that exercise can be ended at the first sign of weakness/wobbliness. If the dog does collapse, (1) make sure that it has unobstructed breathing so it can hyperventilate to blow off heat, (2) offer water and ice orally, and (3) cool the dog by immersing it in cool water or wetting it down. Enforce rest until the dog is fully recovered.

Re: EIC degrees

At what age are most noticed with EIC. Can they be 9 or older and have made it that long through field training. I have one doing some wobbley now. When running and active. Just the first few steps ?

Re: EIC degrees

From U of MN FAQ's:

9. At what age does EIC typically develop?

Even though a dog’s genetic susceptibility to EIC is determined by the combination of E or N forms of the EIC gene it obtains from its parents, signs of EIC do not typically develop until the dogs begin intense retriever training. First symptoms are usually noted between 5 months and 3 years of age. However, we have confirmed affected dogs who did not have collapse episodes until as late as age 10.