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Has anyone used this???

I found this home made solution of ear cleaner online, my vet also told me about it once. My only concern is, i read that if the dog has a scratch, anything in the ear, the boric acid can get in the scratch and do harm when it gets into the bloodstream? I would never want to use it if it would kill one of my dogs or something. I dont think theres an area in the ears, but what if i didnt see a small area and the boric acid got in it? Your thoughts??? thanks in advance.
OR if some of you make a better/other solution please post for me.
16 Oz. Isopropyl Alcohol
4 Tablespoons Boric Acid Powder
16 Drops Gentian Blue Solution 1%

Re: Has anyone used this???

new to this site???

Re: Has anyone used this???

Just because it's called an "acid" doesn't mean it's harmful. Yes, it does have a poison warning on the label, but so do many medicinal items.

Boric acid can be used as an antiseptic for minor burns or cuts and is sometimes used in dressings or salves or is applied in a very dilute solution as an eye wash in a 1.5% solution or 1 tbsp (15 ml) per quart (very close to a liter) of sterilised water.

I don't even bother with the vet anymore on ear issues. The homemade solution is wonderful.

Re: Has anyone used this???

its been a long time since ive been on here brdr but thanks for your comment, it was so helpful!

Re: Has anyone used this???

We use this solution also,but use witch hazel instead of the alcohol as it is less irritating to sore ears.

Re: Has anyone used this???

OK, my stupid question for the day .. I'm a newbie so please go easy on me ...

Doesn't the gentian blue stain/discolour yellow dogs or is it diluted enough?

BTW, they use gentian violet and heat lamps to treat very stubborn yeast infections in women ...

Re: Has anyone used this???

It is good, but it can cause dry and itchy ears because of the alcohol.

Re: Has anyone used this???

I have used this solution on stubborn yeasty ears and it works well. I add a few drops of glycerine to it. I don't know why but that was the recipe I found.

Re: Has anyone used this???

I'v used this on my yellow dogs for years and never had a problem with staining. If you are concerned, moisten a cotton ball in plain alcohol and wipe the ear medicine off of the coat. I've also used the alcohol soaked cotton to remove any spray that land's on floors or cabinets after the dog shakes his head

Re: Has anyone used this???

We've used the purple ear wash for a couple years now on more than a couple of dogs. A replacement for the alcohol is Witch Hazel. It's a natural astringent &
milder than the alcohol.
This cost effective remedy was published in
the WDJ. Don't remember the issue date.

Re: Has anyone used this???

It's Excellent!!!