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Surrender Indy Labs

Any new information on the surrendered Labs at the Morgan County, Indiana animal shelter? Update please.

Re: Surrender Indy Labs


Re: Surrender Indy Labs

I am writing this email while on vacation. Before I left I saw Karen Helmers and we talked at great length about the dogs. She confirmed that a vet . is doing all the dental work for a very good price of $150 per dog . I just had some work on one of my dogs and the charge was $800. I can tell you that was an excellent value for the problems those dogs had. Most all the dogs are being adopted .... though they are having a little trouble with finding homes for some of the older dogs that were in very bad shape. Our National Club has been great with coming thru with money directed toward dental work. Karen and John are checking often with the shelters on the dogs. If I hear any more ... will let you know.