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Poop Eaters

Does anyone know how to stop a dog/bitch from eating its own poop? I have a friend whose lab is 6 years old and eats its own poop. They gave it tablets for a while but when they ran out they never reordered. Is there anything strong they can either put in their food and/or put on the poop when she goes?

Re: Poop Eaters

had that problem with two of my bitches, changed dog food (switched to Purina Pro Plan Natural Selects Turkey and Barley) and they stopped.

Re: Poop Eaters

They are presently giving her purina one lamb and rice. She is also over weight.

Re: Poop Eaters

My 12 year old bitch would eat it every day if she had a chance to do so. I just don't give her the chance.....when the poop hits the ground it gets picked up. None of the pills, powders, fig bars, pineapple or tomatoes helped....I just have to pick it up. Thank GOD my boys don't do it!

Re: Poop Eaters

Pick it up the minute it hits the ground, that's the only thing you can do.

Re: Poop Eaters

I haven't tried this yet but have heard of people having great results so it is probably a good, natural remedy worth trying. Put 2 tablespoons of pineapple in their food. Something about it makes the poop taste horrible.

Good luck.

Re: Poop Eaters

we have tried wheat germ, forbid, meat tenderizer, deter, pineapple, and some other things as well, nothing works. Picking it up before they eat it works.

Re: Poop Eaters

Same thing here & with some of them you've got to be faster than they are cleaning up!

Re: Poop Eaters

Ditto on picking it up as it hits the ground.

It helps break the habit.

Some will stop this when switched to grain free food.

Re: Poop Eaters

we have tried wheat germ, forbid, meat tenderizer, deter, pineapple, and some other things as well, nothing works. Picking it up before they eat it works.

been there done that as well, pick it up fast or turn your head.

Re: Poop Eaters

Bananas, it actually worked for a while. I've tried everything named in here, and only the bananas worked. After a while my compulsive poop eaters started eating them again

Re: Poop Eaters

I haven't tried this yet but have heard of people having great results so it is probably a good, natural remedy worth trying. Put 2 tablespoons of pineapple in their food. Something about it makes the poop taste horrible.

Good luck.

One would think if you are already eating POOP, this would be already horrible and bits of pineapple would be a welcome treat, hmmmmmmmmmm Can you make POOP MORE horrible? lol lol lol

Seriously, grain free or raw food and immediate clean-up have seemed to be remedies that do work.

Re: Poop Eaters

I have an older bitch who eats her son's poops if she can but she doesn't eat the poops of her other progeny. She never eats any other poop but this particular son. Yes, it is a race for the pooper scooper but sometimes she beats me and I have to watch her from a distance enjoying her victory. It makes my stomach churn and no amount of aversion therapy will stop her either. I wonder if poop eating is more common in bitches than with dogs? A maternal instinct gone into over-drive maybe?

Re: Poop Eaters

Who knows? I've heard of this more in bitches. Good thing this "maternal instinct" isn't present in our species. Yuck!

Re: Poop Eaters

All my poop eaters have been girls. I think it's something hardwired into the bitches. Yuck!

Re: Poop Eaters

It's not just the girls - I've got two boys who have the bad habit too!

Re: Poop Eaters

My boy does too although he likely learned it from the old girl.
BTW, I am a raw feeder and they still eat poop.

Re: Poop Eaters

A funny note here; a Native friend in New Mexico told me the Navajo word for dog literally means dung eater. (Wish I could recall the word.) Remember, too, that mama eats their baby poop in the nest for weeks and to model is the simplest form of teaching. My solution, pick it up faster than they can nab it. Good luck on that!