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Conversion Chart

Just curious if someone out there can supply me with a link to a 'human to canine' progesterone conversion chart. TIA

Re: Conversion Chart

Just curious....why would you need/want one??? TIA

Re: Conversion Chart

There is no such thing as human and canine reproductive cycles are completely different. As an aside, canine levels and human levels of progesterone are measured exactly the same way (ng/ml) - but the interpretations have no comparison.

Re: Conversion Chart

Maybe I stated my question wrong (?)

I'm using my local hospital for my testing and was told by the staff that I would NOT get the results formatted in ng/ml and would need to convert the numbers for canine interpretation. And while I'm not a lab technician (hence not knowing what measurements are used), I'm very much aware that the two reproductive cycles (human vs. canine) are not comparable in any way, shape, or form- honestly. I’m just in unchartered territory where this is concerned using a very 'human' lab for 'canine' results on what will be my first surgical implant. Thanks for not raking me over the coals.....but questioning my grasp on reality

Re: Conversion Chart

AHHHH - NOW I see understand! Anyone out there able to help with this???? What about a local veterinarian/vet school??? Good luck with your implant!

Re: Conversion Chart

Most USA hospital lab reports human progesterone values in ng/ml. When my veterinarian purchased an instrument (human) to run in house progesterones they ran comparison studies between the new instrument and both Idex and Antec. They developed a conversion chart for their specific instrument and testing method (there are numberous ways and instruments to test for progesterone) Without these comparisons you are looking at apples vs oranges. There is no one size fits all conversion. A result at your hospital of 5.0 ng/ml for a HUMAN may equal a 1.8 or a 18.0 in a DOG this is probably what the hosptial lab was try to say.

Re: Conversion Chart

What units are the hospital using then ?

Re: Conversion Chart

both people and dogs are reported in ng/ml in the USA (nanograms per milliter) But on an instrument calibrated for people the results do not equal the same as in a dog...think dog years, 1 human year equals 7 dog years that is why comparison studies should be done.

Re: Conversion Chart

Find out what measure they do report the progesterone levels. Some labs report in nanamoles, rather than nanograms. The conversion is roughly 3 times higher; in other words, you would divide the nanamoles by 3 to get nanograms.

I found this out the hard way when our vet did not do the conversion and reported the nanmole number to us as if it were already nanograms.

Michigan State's lab reports in nanomoles and must be converted.
