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Liver Failure

My 13 yr old Male is at the Vet's with a liver ALT over 2000. All his other blood tests including liver ALP etc came back within normal limits. He started to have problems last night, so sudden onset very severe. Anybody have any experiance with this?

Re: Liver Failure

what meds is he taking?

Re: Liver Failure

He's raw fed, he gets a glucosamine supplement and that's it. No other meds. We've used acupuncture very succesfully to manage age related joint problems

Re: Liver Failure

have you tested for lyme?

Re: Liver Failure

I just talked to the ER vet. They are adding lyme to the list of potentials, but it's not common for our area. She herself has only seen one confirmed case here.

Re: Liver Failure

I'm so sorry that your old boy is suffering and that you are scared.

Re: Liver Failure

Feel free to contact me privately. I hope the best for your boy.

Re: Liver Failure

Only experienced liver failure with a corgi, a number of years ago- secondary to his eating a lizard...who, with time and a special diet rallied. Hoping your boy has a similar experience. All good thoughts sent your way.

Re: Liver Failure

My mom's old dog (Shotsy - 17 years at the time) had this problem. Her ALP was over 1500. She made a full recovery. We gave milkthistle for about 6 weeks and her ALP dropped down below 100. Your boy will be in my thoughts. Please let us know how he's doing.

Re: Liver Failure

First thing i'd be concerned about is hemangioscarcoma, i'd get a ultrasound done of his abdomen. Prayers that's not what it is. I would start him on sam e and milk thistle.

Re: Liver Failure

Jackie, Black Sands
First thing i'd be concerned about is hemangioscarcoma, i'd get a ultrasound done of his abdomen. Prayers that's not what it is. I would start him on sam e and milk thistle.

First of all, we wish your dog a full recovery.

Please ask your vet if it's okay to go on Sam E and Milk Thistle once all testing is completed. I've heard of 2 dogs that got very ill on Sam E. Supplements *can be* just as dangerous as some script drugs. It's always good to ask your vet before doing things on your own.
At this point, they need to find out what is wrong and won't adminster a natural supplement until they do.

Re: Liver Failure

Ask Vet
Jackie, Black Sands
First thing i'd be concerned about is hemangioscarcoma, i'd get a ultrasound done of his abdomen. Prayers that's not what it is. I would start him on sam e and milk thistle.

First of all, we wish your dog a full recovery.

Please ask your vet if it's okay to go on Sam E and Milk Thistle once all testing is completed. I've heard of 2 dogs that got very ill on Sam E. Supplements *can be* just as dangerous as some script drugs. It's always good to ask your vet before doing things on your own.
At this point, they need to find out what is wrong and won't adminster a natural supplement until they do.

Wise words. First do no harm.

Any substance that you believe is powerful enough to help, you must also believe that it is powerful enough to do harm.

Again, I'm so sorry that your baby and you are suffering. Let us know what happens.

Re: Liver Failure

Morning everyone

The ultrasound is this AM and we'll form a plan of action based on the results and his overnight response to the IV fluids he's been getting.

I did ask about milk thistle and at this time we're not giving him anything just in case.

I'm hoping it's a small poison reaction the liver version of garbage gut and when we get it flushed out of his system he'll be fine.

Re: Liver Failure

Usually they want to rule out Lepto too. The regular blood test for Lepto takes about 4 weeks for results, but you can have the PCR test done (with urine) and have results faxed back in 2 days. I forget which labs are doing the PCR test, but I'm sure a search on the net would bring them up.

I had one a few years ago eventually diagnosed with idiopathic (cause unknown) hepatitis after all else that could be tested for was ruled out. First symptoms started over the course of the afternoon before we took her to the vet were wanting out to urinate more frequently, drinking more than usual amount of water, not eating with enthusiasm and the next morning vomit, so symptoms came on quickly. We are absolutely sure she did not get into anything. She was in the hospital about 2 weeks on IV and antibiotics. She became jauntice after about 3 days at the hospital. She was first sent home on one of the prescription meds but eventually vet said to just give her milk thistle daily. Three years later, almost 12 years old now and doing fine.

Re: Liver Failure

The ultra sound results are in and the radiologist has read the x-rays and ultra sounds. There is no sign of cancer, it looks like there is some "sludge" backing up the bile which can be treated with meds. The possibilities are a form of hepatitus, or possibly a necrotic liver. We will start medication including milk thistle and see how it goes. I can bring him home tonight and we will monitor his progress.

The Vet admits he is depressed and not moving well or freely. May be a reaction to being away from home or may be the pain. He has not so far had any pain mediciation, he's had the fluids and a shot of pepcid and something else to prvent nausea and keep him more comfortable

I'll update tonight when he's been on the meds for a few hours and is home.

Thank you so much for yur support through all of this. I can;t tell you what it means to know there are strangers that come together with nothing more in common than a love of the dog

Re: Liver Failure

I'm so sorry you are dealing with this.

I went thru this last year and my vet and internal specialist recommended MT and SAMe. But the internal specialist also said the first course of action is 30 days of antibiotic to see if it is an infection causing it. In our case antib. did nothing to bring down the elevations.

I learned that giving the SAMe along with a B50 complex is best for better uptake by the body. Vit. B supports the liver. And its best to give the SAMe away from meals. I used peanut butter on a spoon with pills on top with great results.

I also give 400iu of E and 1000mg of C to support the liver.

Prayers that this is an acute case and levels will come into normal range and stay there.

It can take time to see levels go down. Its tough but you have to be patient.

Hoping for good results for you. Will check back for your updates.

Re: Liver Failure

The liver can be a remarkably regenerative organ. That being said, you need one.
Ask your vet or vet internist if it might be beneficial to flush him a bit with extra fluids daily, even subcutaneously, which you might be able to do at home. IV might be better, even if he has to go to hospital during the day. Some local vets have had good success with that with various liver problems on dogs I know.
Good luck with him!

Re: Liver Failure

Quick update, he's home, he is not moving well, but ate well, and is resting. He's not panting at rest any more. It's too soon for the meds to have kicked in and there are a lot.

He's on Cephaxalin for an antibiotic, a milk thistle and SamE pill, tramadol for pain, and ursodiol for liver support. No extra fluids today as he's just come off 24 hours of IV fluids. We'll reasses probably friday and see if we need to add subq fluids. I have a CRF cat so I always have fluids, so if he starts dehydrating fast I can just start them.

Thank you again for your wonderful support. I was so afraid I would be saying good-bye today, and there is at least hope now

Re: Liver Failure

I am glad your boy is home & resting. Hoping he is on the road to recovery!

Re: Liver Failure

Quick update, he's home, he is not moving well, but ate well, and is resting. He's not panting at rest any more. It's too soon for the meds to have kicked in and there are a lot.

He's on Cephaxalin for an antibiotic, a milk thistle and SamE pill, tramadol for pain, and ursodiol for liver support. No extra fluids today as he's just come off 24 hours of IV fluids. We'll reasses probably friday and see if we need to add subq fluids. I have a CRF cat so I always have fluids, so if he starts dehydrating fast I can just start them.

Thank you again for your wonderful support. I was so afraid I would be saying good-bye today, and there is at least hope now

First, I'm including a website of a super lady that knows more than I can emphasise. I've met her at seminars and was amazed. There aren't little bit's and piece's on her site, it's full information. CAUTION-She doesn't tolerate stealing from her site, I hesitated linking it but it's too valuable for breeders & dog owners.

I hope your boy is more comfortable at home. That was a very high ALT level, normal is 10 > - < 100 . When my boy was diagnosed with liver cancer at 14.5 yoa his ultrasounds showed the advanced cancer. I don't know what his ALT level was b/c it was off the charts. I am happy for both of you that the u/s was clear of masses or signs of cancer, thank God.

Normally, we don't see that high of an ALT level unless it's a senior dog or a critically ill younger dog so your boy was good & sick. It sounds like he's doing better & will hopefully continue to recover at home.

Is the SAMe and milk thistle a pill that has both in it? I know some people substitute ingredients to save money It's always best to use the exact formula. I'ts great that he's on cephalexin as it can resolve liver problems due to a bacterial infection which is possible.

Did they re-test his ALT during his hospitalisation & did it come down at all?

It sounds like you are well prepared at home and know what you're doing medically, being able to start IV or sub-q fluids if needed.

Wishing a complete turn-around for your boy. Thanks for keeping us posted on his progress and please continue to if you can. You certainly have your hands full with a CRF cat & your boy having liver problems.

Prayers for a complete recovery & better days for all of you. There is much hope for him.

Re: Liver Failure

One step forward two steps back. He's not doing well this AM. He wet himself and his bedding overnight, he's drinking gallons, and peeing gallons but not eating so I can't get any pills in him. He may need to spend the day at the vet's where he can be better monitored. I hate to do it, I think he feels abandoned, but he's not o.k. here, and I have to go to work (I've been out of work for a while so I am a new employee and I can't just take time off)

I have the big blue combo pill for the milk thistle and samE from the vet.

Re: Liver Failure

Sorry to hear about the setback. Chances are he and you will be better off if he's at the vets while you're away at your new job. Good luck & I hope he improves.

Re: Liver Failure

Sorry to hear this. Have you tried using peanut butter for the pills? Place pills on top of peanut butter on a spoon and scrape the PB onto the roof of his mouth. All the licking he will have to do should take the pills down.

I found the best prices on MT and SAMe at

These are the products I use:

MT is best if it also includes artichoke and dandelion

I second the recommendation of

Mary Straus taught me all I know about kidney failure and was also a tremendous help with my liver issue (she taught me about giving the B complex with the SAMe).

No problem with posting her link. I refer people to her all the time.

Don't hesitate to email her for help. She is quick to respond.

I would take a blanket with your sent on it for the vet to put in his crate.

Prayers continue for your boy.

Re: Liver Failure

I went thru this with my lab....she would wake up soaking wet from wetting, had no appetite, liver functions off the chart. Long story short it was Ehrlichia-so when your vet runs lymes, make him run a full tick panel. Our US showed a "diffuse" liver-they thought Hepatitis, etc...
They gave her 3 weeks to live-she was yellow.
She was on an anti biotic, Metronidazole, pepcid, Sam E and what my vet also did was put her on Lactulose to help pull the toxins out of her body as the liver could not do this on its own.
I cooked for her whole grain french toast soaked in milk and eggs, little drops of maple syrup to entice her to eat-I would hand feed her. She got a snack in the after noon and for dinner either chicken or beef with potato, little BBQ sauce for smell and for night snack a trip to McDonalds for a plain vanilla sundae.
It was a long road but she turned around and had a very good, happy life for another 15 months.
I would keep your dog home for treatment unless it is something you can't do at home. Can you take a week off to stabilize? Stress is not good at this point in time.
I found that giving my girl something to look forward to, like a visit to grandmas house, or to see the nieces and nephews, diff. parks, the ice cream-all gave her that spark and will to live.
I hope you have the same success we did-it was worth all the effort for the gift of her life.

Re: Liver Failure

How's your boy doing today???

Re: Liver Failure

he deteriorated so much yesterday we helped him cross over last night

Re: Liver Failure

I'm so sorry to hear this. Hugs from here!