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Anne Hennessy

It is with a heavy heart that I am sharing the tragic news of our dear friend Annie Hennessy's passing. She left this world Sunday morning and leaves behind her wonderful husband and 7 year old son. They were the center of her universe. Annie was just 40 years old. Annie was a true champion for our breed and a friend to anyone needing an ear. Her posts were always witty and forthright and her sense of humor was wicked. I will miss her greatly! The world will be a darker place without her.

RIP Annie ~ I'll see you again one day!

There is a plan in the works to set up a savings account for her son. If anyone is interested, please contact me and I will connect you with the person handling that. Thanks!

Re: Anne Hennessy

I read about this on another forum, and was extremely saddened of the loss. Anne was a wonderful person from all I have read on the forums for her. She was always neutral, finding the positive in any negative, looking for peace when disputes broke out.

I never knew her personally, but her devotion to her puppies and her family would shine through everything she wrote.

Life is just too short as it is, and when it's taken even earlier, it's a shame.

Please send on our condolences to her family from us.

Re: Anne Hennessy

This is such sad news! She was a very special lady and always took time to answer questions & share information. She will be missed greatly!

Re: Anne Hennessy

I did not know her personally but only as a virtual friend.
It is sad to loss loved ones and sadder when they go before their time.

Condolences to the family.

Re: Anne Hennessy

When *POOP* like this happens...........I can't help but think.........what a waste the petty crap in life is?

RIP prayers and thoughts are with her family!!!!

Re: Anne Hennessy

Thank you for posting this tragic news here . . . I have been following the fundraising efforts for her son on another forum and find some solace in the support being shown to Annie's husband and son from the Labrador community, both real and virtual. Is it possible that this information could be cross posted to the Canadian community at When finalized, please post the details on where to forward contributions for Zack's future. Thank you again. ~Maria

Re: Anne Hennessy

Agreed, Bev! In the end, the petty stuff just doesn't matter.

Annie and I had more in common than Labradors, and I am grateful to have been able to call her friend. In recent dark times in my life, her "checking in on me" meant more than she probably ever knew. Rest in peace, Annie.

Re: Anne Hennessy

Okay folks.. this tragic news should be a wake up call.
Put aside all the pettiness, the bickering, the small-mindedness, downright snarkiness and nasty comments..

Life is really short - all TOO short - and you never know when your time will be.

Make sure that the last day you spend on Earth is one you'd like to be proud of - full of human kindness, compassion, charity and faith.

Sincere condolences to Anne's family .... thoughts and prayers are with you in this very trying time.

Re: Anne Hennessy


I do think the opening of your post was inappropriate on this particular thread. Although I get what you are saying, I think it would have been best for you to post your first paragraph as a new topic and then maybe shed light as to your intent. The remaining paragraphs were appropriate for this particular thread. I mention this because after reading your first paragraph, you spoiled the spirit of thoughtfulness that folks showed to post their condolences/regards to Anne Hennessey and her family. You could have posted your thoughts with a bit more consideration and spared the reader from the lecture in your first paragraph.

Re: Anne Hennessy

I am very sorry to hear about Annie. I always enjoyed
her posts, because she was so upbeat. I didn't know her, but RIP Annie.

Re: Anne Hennessy

I did not know Annie personally but yes, I've always enjoyed her posts. I am very sad to see that she is now gone from this world, but being that I am not on "other" lists/forums, I have no clue what happened. Can someone please share what took this lovely person from us?


Forever Annie fan

Re: Anne Hennessy

Apparently she had a heart attack while driving herself to the emergency room (she wasn't feeling well) and had a car accident, though it was the heart attack that killed her.

RIP Annie

Re: Anne Hennessy

Hearing that Annie lost her life by a heart attack at such a young age hits close to home.

Our good friend who is only 39 yrs old suffered a massive heart attack in July. He was an active man who lived a very full life, drug free but just a busy family man who failed to pay attentio to his own health. He was not over weight either but heart disease does run in his family. They airlifted Simon from Havasu City to Vegas Hospital where the Drs performed a triple by pass but Simon passed away in the recovery room.

It's hard to make sense of why we lose loved ones at such a young age.

Just want Annie's husband, little son and family to feel our prayers and goodwill.

Re: Anne Hennessy

Such sad news. I only knew Annie via email. She was such a sweet person.

My prayers go out to her family and friends.

Re: Anne Hennessy

Annie was a dear friend of mine. we adopted our labbie, cody, from her three years ago from hannah's last litter. for those of you who never met her, she was exactly the way she was online. she had a distinctive way of writing so that people truly got to know her from her words. i have always felt a deep rooted respect for the kind and compassionate person she was. she didn't judge others, was very kind to people and animals alike, and anyone who had even shared an email or two with her knew how much in love she was with shannon and zack. i rarely got to spend time with her in person due to our schedules, but i miss her terribly already.
annie had not been feeling well for more than a few days leading up to this. her and i spoke on email two days before her passing. she thought her body was just beating up on her for having fun on her recent vacation. she was suffering from migraines and body aches. i honestly don't think she knew how serious her symptoms were...she was emailing me about detoxes to get the bad sugars and junk food out of her body. she thought it was a simple fix.
i've never posted on this forum before, but i find myself scouring the online communities just to feel a little piece of her for a little longer. i did see shannon and zack yesterday at the service, and zack isn't grasping what has happened. if you are a prayerful people, please pray for the two of them. also, pray that the dogs end up either with them or if they need to find new homes that they are forever homes with the best people possible. annie deserves nothing less than that.

Re: Anne Hennessy

That was a wonderful tribute to Annie.

Thank you for that. I'll keep her family in my prayers.
