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Anybody know what this might be?

The day before yesterday, I noticed a lump on my 20 month old boy's ear. It's on the floppy part, on the underside, and is quite strange looking. It's oval in shape, flat on top, is raised up about a quarter inch, is about the size of half a dime and is scabbed over. It almost looks like a giant wart, but this boy is healthy as a horse. I went to the neighbor vet(who tends to mostly livestock), described it to him, and he told me to try to aspirate it to see if there was any serum in it(it may have been a dermahematoma[I think that's what he said]?) I couldn't aspirate anything out of it, but it did bleed quite a bit and the scab came off. under the scab, it looked quite porous with little holes in it. It doesn't seem to bother him, he's not itching it and he's eating fine. I have an appointment with my regular vet tomorrow, but I was just wondering if anybody's come across anything like this before. TIA

Re: Anybody know what this might be?

It's a "hematoma". Best to have your vet check it out. It may require surgery.

Re: Anybody know what this might be?

Several years ago our old yellow male had an ear infection. During the course of treatment with antibiotics he scratched his ear. He caused an aural hematoma that needed to be lanced and drained - but it sounds very similiar to what you're describing. The worst of the whole experience was that he had to wear a cone and just about wrecked the house and us with it!
Now at age 13 1/2 he has gone deaf - his hearing was always selective at best - but he had a history of constant ear infections due to an irregular shaped ear canal.

Re: Anybody know what this might be?

Could it be a histiocytoma? Google "histiocytoma dog" and a bunch of images will come up, some in the ears. Our dog had one and it seemed to pop up overnight. It looked like a little crater on the inside once unroofed. They need surgical removal.

Re: Anybody know what this might be?

Could be
Could it be a histiocytoma? Google "histiocytoma dog" and a bunch of images will come up, some in the ears. Our dog had one and it seemed to pop up overnight. It looked like a little crater on the inside once unroofed. They need surgical removal.

Yep, that's what it is. Thank you so much.

Re: Anybody know what this might be?

I have a girl that had one a couple of years ago it seemed to pop up out of no where the vet gave me some liquid (don't remember the name) to put on it a couple of times a day and in a month ot two it was gone and we have never had one again. It did not leave a scar or anyhting. I will try to look up the name of the med and post when I can.

Re: Anybody know what this might be?

I've read some articles and found that most(90%) of the time they will go away on their own in about a month or so with a medication comprised of DMSO and cortisone. Too bad I was going to enter this boy in the Central Ohio specialty shows, lol. Hopefully it will be gone by closing. Always something...

Re: Anybody know what this might be?

According to my vet, histiocytomas go away on their own. They only need to be removed in rare occurrences. One of mine had it on a toe and it was gone in about 3 weeks.

Re: Anybody know what this might be?

What a coincidence to see this post. I just discovered a pea size lump near my 11 month old girl's eye lid. the descriptions that I read (thanks for the Google hint) describe it exactly. I will double check with my vet and then try to be patient about it.

Re: Anybody know what this might be?

I probably won't have it removed, but I still plan on getting a biopsy done on it...just to make sure that's what it is.

Re: Anybody know what this might be?

alternative to elizabethian collars,
these look much more comfortable for everyone

Re: Anybody know what this might be?

I've had them on my bitch around her mouth. Vet says that unless she is bothered by it to leave it alone and it will go away in about 6 weeks. I have had one removed on another girl and it left a scar so keep that in mind.