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I have all of my dogs microchipped but have not registered all of them. How many who microchip actually register them? No flames please. I called the company asking if they offer a "kennel" rate and they do not.

Re: Microchipping

All of mine are registered with Avid.

Re: Microchipping

What's the point in microchipping if you're not going to register them? I have all mine done and registered.

Re: Microchipping

I have not registered mine, but it's mainly because I never get around to it - not a high priority because I microchip for identification for OFA, EIC tests, etc., not to identify a lost dog. In 35 years I haven't yet lost a dog, so maybe I'm too complacent about it. However, I live in the country where driving around the block is a five or six mile circuit. Most of the people likely to find one of my dogs at least know me by reputation. I'm much more worried that a lost dog will not be found at all than that he will be found by someone who can't identify me as the owner.

Re: Microchipping

I live north of the 49th paralell .. dogs purchased in the US with AVID chips don't "register" here in Canada .. Had to have them all 're-chipped'.. the AVID chips are microencrypted so they can't be read by anything but the most current scanners ..(hmmm money making proposition for AVID????) I did register the Cdn chips case they are stolen.

Re: Microchipping

when you purchase chips by the boxes from Avid they are registered to you the buyer.
The chips are always registered to you unless someone sends in an application to change the data.

Re: Microchipping

I register all puppies with the AKC CAR program. I tell the owners to make out a check payable to the AKC and submit the registration myself. That way I know the job gets done and all it costs me is a postage stamp.

Re: Microchipping

Bit of a Bind
I live north of the 49th paralell .. dogs purchased in the US with AVID chips don't "register" here in Canada .. Had to have them all 're-chipped'.. the AVID chips are microencrypted so they can't be read by anything but the most current scanners ..(hmmm money making proposition for AVID????) I did register the Cdn chips case they are stolen.

I started using AVID 10 years ago and still have the same scanner I purchased back then. Definitely not the most current.
Plus my scanner can pick up home again chips as well.

Re: Microchipping

most of our canadian scanners don't pick up the "Universal" chips coming out of the US. Well, they do pick them up- but the letters in the chip become *'s or something like they- they are encrypted. Also- Canadian Kennel Club doesn't accept them because of them being encrypted. I've had to re-chip 2 of my imported dogs as well. - because on one - it couldn't be found,and the other it was not legible with my vet's scanner(s).

Re: Microchipping

Thanks Tina .. my vet's scanner couldn't pick it up so they suggested I try the Humane Society .. being naive I went there and they almost had me "arrested" as they didn't believe that the dog was mine ... I was lucky to make it back to the car and out of the parking lot (no exaggeration!) Now I just take the dogs to the vet and have them re-chipped. It's just easier.

Re: Microchipping

Yikes - that would not have been fun at the Humane Society.

I tattoo our pups and suggest microchipping at the buyer's own leisure.
I have heard many times from others where the chips have migrated, and i know that it doesn't happen as often nowadays.
I don't personally like the idea of 2 foreign objects in their body.
I tattoo and then chip my keepers when they are older when i'm at one of my many vet visits.
Because CKC requires identification before they go out the door- the tattoo is the best solution for my personal preferences.
Our tattoos aren't legible though when their full coats come in, they are covered up - hard to read thru their the chip is a good back up later. I'd love to use the rabbit punch tattoo - as one girl i had - at 3 years old : it was still so very clear and easy to read (in her ear). I just don't have the heart to use the darn thing myself and put them thru the crunch of it. I barely handle listening to them when they protest with screams when they are restrained for the regular tattoos. hehe, we don't even touch them with the tattoo gun yet and they are howling.

Re: Microchipping

My two are chipped and registered. A few months back I found a Shepherd mix wandering in and out of a busy road. I was able to catch him with a leash and cheerios. I took him to the nearest vet to check for a chip. They tried the contact info and it was obsolete. The tech then shrugged her shoulders and said that it was about all she could do . . . I asked her for the information off the chip so I could go home and research it, she said she couldn't give it to me, that it was private? I then asked for the office manager and implored her to Google the information, she eventually found the owner via a conection from Linkedin and the owners former work place. The dog's owner came and got him from me later in the day. I mentioned this to my vet and they also said that the information is private.

Re: Microchipping

I was told by an animal control officer that if the chip is not registered, they don't bother to call the breeder because most do not keep records.
If you don't register it as the owner, chances are you won't get the call from whoever found your dog if it gets lost.

Re: Microchipping

IF you buy in bulk, 5 or more from AVID you are registered as the owner, there is no reason to register twice.
Years back I bought some AVID chips from Revival Animal Health, because they bought them from AVID they were the registered owner.
Over the years I have gotten three calls from Revival about chips that were traced to them, they traced to me and I traced to the pet owner (who never registered them)

Re: Microchipping

I buy in bulk from Avid or if I don't need the 25 chips in that plastic small tub, I order the pre loaded syringes that come 5 in a package. I also order those registration forms for each chip at a discount. Then when myself or the puppy buyers adopt their puppy, I fill out the contact information and send it in. I add the price of the microchip and registration to the price of their puppy.

I find that many families forget to fill out those microchip forms if I left it up to them. They get busy raising their new puppy and simply forget that it's in their puppy folder I send home with them.

We did recover a 14 month old black male of our breeding from the Humane Society a couple years back. He had been dumped and someone picked him up and took him to the shelter in their city. My name had been in the Avid registry system and since I registered the puppy ahead of time, using the new owner's contact information, the shelter was able to call the owners up first. Of course the owners were avoiding answering their phone as they didn't want their dog back. Not one of our highights in this hobby but at least we got our goofball boy back thanks to the registered microchip.

Re: Microchipping

My dogs have Home Again chips. I have another dog due to get her chip and my vet has changed from using Home Again to ResQ.

Has anyone used ResQ? Any problems reading the chip?
