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does anyone with multiple dogs clean teeth? I've seen some stories of dogs being "dentally neglected" and that being used as one issue when rescue groups have "taken" dogs from breeders.

I'm wondering what those of you with multiple dogs do about cleaning teeth. Product suggestions appreciated, if you use them.


Re: teeth?

A good quality food - kibble- and a yummy marrow bone helps keep the teeth clean, healthy and free of tartar for my dogs.

My oldest - 6- has no signs of tartar at this time.

I think a poor quality food - or a food mainly consisting of soft food - could have an impact on the health of the teeth. But that is just my opinion.

I expect with age, a scaling may be needed at the vets..but at this time- nice clean white perlies living here. :-)

Re: teeth?

Soft food doesn't contribute to bad teeth. BAD food contributes to bad teeth. Foods with lots of sugars and grains (whether kibble or canned) can "adhere" to teeth, kind of like us eating candy. At least that's what was taught at a dog food store I worked at. Many raw feeders feed soft raw meat, but the KEY is that they also give marrow bones and assorted parts with bones.

My oldest dogs have great teeth at age 7 and 8, we've never brushed, never seen a doggy dentist, but they routinely get marrow bones and yes, rawhides.

I have puppy owners that have dogs out of the same litters that I kept some from, and my dogs have perfect white teeth and theirs don't. Yet we feed the same food. The difference, these folks can't get their head around the fact that dogs need to CHEW CHEW CHEW.

Re: teeth?

As someone with an apple tree in the backyard, I can tell you that food can be a factor.

Re: teeth?

As someone with an apple tree in the backyard, I can tell you that food can be a factor.

so what foods are working best for you? My 10 year old has no tartar, but she has no incisors either I assume from eating marrow bones when she was younger. Several of my other girls from a different line who are younger have more tarter. Same foods of course. Guess I have to give them more bones or rawhide. I was told that it isn't great to give things to them that are harder than their teeth.