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Lost a fighter against the AR people

I received this yesterday and we have lost a great advocate and fighter against the AR people.

Dear ASDA supporter:

It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I must announce that John Yates, founder and Executive Director of American Sporting Dog Alliance, Passed away on Tuesday, September 15th, during cancer surgery. He had been battling this dreadful disease for eight months.

He had always been an outspoken, fearless and eloquent supporter of human rights and personal freedom. Once he decided to fight for an issue he deemed worthwhile, he held on tight and refused to let go.

He lost a few but won so many!

He will be missed.

In keeping with his wishes, because he was, ultimately a very spiritual and private person, there will be no funeral or public ceremony to mark his passing.

In lieu of flowers, we ask only that you continue to support ASDA by joining or donating to help us carry on without him.

Many of his reports are archived on-line or saved on his computer. Sometimes, the questions change but the answers remain the same. He never made a report without suggesting a way to battle the injustices we, as dog owners, must face. Those suggestion and words of wisdom will not be silenced. With your help we can continue to speak out for freedom.


Re: Lost a fighter against the AR people

Yes, we have lost a great friend that fought for us breeders against the AR agenda. He had sent out an email on Monday stating that he was going to be "out of it" for a couple of weeks while undergoing major surgery Tuesday. Wow.

His closing line in that email hits me the most
"Your support has been vital to our success, and your continuing support is needed now." . I think we need to ask ourselves - What can we, as breeders, do to make sure this organization continues on? We NEED their help - this fight has only just begun I fear.

Re: Lost a fighter against the AR people

He was one of the top fighters for dog owners and their rights.
another one leaving us to early in life.

Re: Lost a fighter against the AR people

I had emailed prayers and best wishes through his surgery on Tuesday when I, too, received the notice. What a loss...I can't begin to recall how many ASDA reports I've read in the past.

John always kept us up-to-date with whatever legislation was coming down the pike and likely to affect all of us dog owners.

Rest in Peace, John.

Re: Lost a fighter against the AR people

I'm so sorry to hear this tragic news. I hope John is now resting free of pain of Cancer, and specially illuminating and sending his blessing to the people that believe in the same he did and will continue this fight against AR. Rest in Peace John.