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Over the Rainbow Bridge

On wensday evening our dear friend Harry the Lipman "Lip" took his walk over the bridge. Lip was our 13yr old yellow lab whom we bred.Lip was a beautiful lab who hated the show ring. He knew he was beautiful and didn't need ribbons to prove it. Equally beautiful was his tempermant. This quality got him selected for stud by the Guide Dog Foundation For the Blind. We are not privlaged to know how many of his off spring graduated and are guide dogs. Just knowing that other families, either the visually impaired or the puppy walkers have been touched by such a wonderful loving dog makes us smile. Have a safe trip Over the Rainbow Bridge. We will miss you.... . .

Re: Over the Rainbow Bridge

So sorry for your loss.

RIP sweet boy.

Re: Over the Rainbow Bridge

God Speed Lip

Re: Over the Rainbow Bridge

What a wonderful tribute to your boy to have his legacy be as a protector of others.

Re: Over the Rainbow Bridge

SORRY!!! for your loss

Re: Over the Rainbow Bridge

So sorry to hear-my thoughts are with you both