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The Secrets Inside Your Dog

Here is an interesting article from Time Mag.
I haven't had time to read it all but it looks pretty good. There are also links to hit - one is on hunting dog field trails from a long time ago.
Read and enjoy

Re: The Secrets Inside Your Dog

Tks, it is an interesting article!,9171,1921614,00.html

Re: The Secrets Inside Your Dog

A Ripon College student did a research study on this topic last year. She compared my obedience trained dogs with dogs from the pound and found that the pound dogs were even faster at finding a hidden item when it was pointed to. Of course, my dogs were just being polite! Nevertheless, her results agreed with the article, that the ability of dogs to realize what a human is doing when they point to something is innate in dogs.

Re: The Secrets Inside Your Dog

And I swear that some of them can spell too!

Re: The Secrets Inside Your Dog

Well, I'll be.....they can spell!