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bites, base narrow in puppy (question reposted in new thread)

I posted this in the other thread from the archives which was from 2006, should have started a new thread instead.

Was at the vet for 3rd puppy shots in 16 week old puppy and my vet said puppy is a little base narrow (lower jaw). Of course, this is my pick puppy who had a perfect bite at 8 weeks (and puppy does still does appear to have scissor bite even though she's lost most of the baby bottom incissors but bottom canines are a little narrow). So I'm wondering when the adult bottom incissors start coming in if they'll push the bottom canines out?

Now I know upper and lower can grow at different rate and reading the thread someone mentioned it's not common in Labradors and to wait for adult teeth.

Any new input/experience with base narrow canines? Should I hold out hope that this may correct when adult teeth come in?? I'm inclined to hope and wait.

I can't say I've seen this before, but then I don't usually fuss with their mouths while they're teething so I can't say I've looked for this. None that I've kept and grown out to adults have this as adults. I only took note now with this puppy because vet commented "a little base narrow".

Re: bites, base narrow in puppy (question reposted in new thread)

I'm finding that some of my pups end up with crooked bottom teeth. The ones right below the front teeth. How can I breed this out of my lines ?

Is this happening because of too narrow of a bottom jaw ?

I have been using stud dogs that have bigger, square type heads in order to add more type in my bitch lines. Maybe this is the problem. Maybe I should be breeding type to type where the head and jaw shape goes ??

My 2 breeding girls are 2nd generation and now I have my 3rd generation coming up. They all have correct bites and full dentition but when my girls whelp their pups, some of these pups will grow up to have these crooked, middle bottom teeth. I just don't know what to make of it and how to go about fixing the problem.

Re: bites, base narrow in puppy (question reposted in new thread)

We started seeing those pesky crooked teeth also after using boys with bigger,shorter muzzled heads.Now I have better type AND overbites,missing premolars,and crooked teeth!It certainly is frustrating!

Re: bites, base narrow in puppy (question reposted in new thread)

Had my first base narrow canines (that I know of) last winter. Pup is fine now, (9 months) and has been for a while.

Best of luck. I don't think I'd throw her out.

Re: bites, base narrow in puppy (question reposted in new thread)

I had a boy that was narrow at 5 months and corrected by 10 months. Veterinary Dental specialists say what you have at 10-12 months is what you will be stuck with. So wait until she's 10-12 months before you decide.