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sick & not eating

My dog is at the vets and has been there since yesterday morning. She turned down dinner Tuesday night and has not eaten anything since then. Her bilirubin is high. I think the number was 24,000. Her white blood count is slightly elevated. When she was home, she drank water & it stayed down for a half hour or so, then she would vomit it back up with white foam. This is not looking good. Anyone with any ideas?

Re: sick & not eating

I'm sorry to hear about your girl! Blockage comes mind but doesn't a high bilirubin count indicate a liver problem??? What's your vet saying???? Hope she's on the mend soon & hugs from here.

Re: sick & not eating

Had a dog with similar symptoms. She had some kind of liver infection. Just out of the blue it came on her.She spent 3 days at Vets and sent home with Baytril. They did take xrays to rule out blockage.
Vet says he sees a few of these a year.

Re: sick & not eating

run a full tick profile

Re: sick & not eating

You may consider having your Vet run a Leptospirosis Panel. Best of luck with your dog....

Re: sick & not eating

Ask your vet about checking liver and gallbladder via ultrasound.

Prayers it is nothing serious and they can get the level down.

Re: sick & not eating

Liver disease is usually indicated by a low gulcose and BUN. Jaundice is a concern for sure from bile duct obstruction or gall bladder obstruction.

What was the whold profile? How was the cholesterol? How is she doing?

Re: sick & not eating

In spite of many tests, x-rays, ultrasounds, both my regular vet's and the specialty vet's best efforts, they were unable to figure out what was going on. She did not survive.

Re: sick & not eating

I'm so sorry for your loss! Huge hugs from here!

Re: sick & not eating

I'm so sorry for your loss. Whatever the time we have with our dogs, it's never enough

Re: sick & not eating

I am so sorry for your loss. How heart breaking.

Prayers for you and RIP sweet girl.