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The Morning After

I brought home an empty collar and lead last night. Even having traveled this road before it's still devastating. I know it's imortant for those left behind to have their routines maintained. I knew enough to put his dish away last night. Still it was a consious effort this morning to make sure I didn;t put out breakfast for him. I went through the morning routine, meds, foods, walks, I made lunch for myself and cleaned the kitchen counters and put everything away. He was always a counter surfer so before I left the kitchen at anytime everything on the counters had to be put away and dishwasher locked. I got ready for work and cleaned the bathroom up. No toilet paper left out, no toothbrushes,soap or toothpaste, those were always favorites. Old habits die hard.

The kindness and help the board offered me overed the last few days was it's own mirable. My vet was impressed at the medical knoledge of this board,and has bookmarked the link some gave for his own use. From the bottom of my heart I thank you all for the support over the last few days

Re: The Morning After

No matter how many times you've walked this path, this part of being a responsible animal owner...SUCKS! Best wishes & huge hugs!

Re: The Morning After

I am so sorry you lost your boy. My heart aches for you.

Re: The Morning After

I'm so very sorry.

Re: The Morning After

I feel for you, so sorry for you loss.

Re: The Morning After

Scared, let your boy RIP. He is free of this disease now. You will have times you forget he isn't here and at the Bridge. Sending prayers for you to heal from all you went through and your loss.

I was the breeder that gave you the site that belongs to my friend Mary. It's wonderful that your vet wants to learn from her. She can teach almost anyone. I'm glad I didn't hesitate posting it.

Please post often to this list. We have all been where you are right now and walked this road of sadness. Your boy is running free, you will meet again someday. God Bless you for doing all you could for him.

Re: The Morning After

I just went back to read your previous posts, this is so sad. I'm so sorry for your loss. Godspeed Sweet Boy. ((Hugs))

Re: The Morning After

I agree, the morning after, especially the morning meal, has always been the hardest for me. I too lost one of my girls this past Spring. I still find myself putting her food bowl location down first.

My deepest condolences on your recent loss. It never gets easier.

Re: The Morning After

Dear scared:
I just read about your dear sweet boy.. I am so very, very sorry for your loss.
I lost my heart and soul in April of this year.. One day he was here and perfectly fine and within 10 days of his diagnosis he was paralyzed and gone from osteosarcoma of the spine.
I truly, truly know the pain in your heart, and I feel so badly for you. But we both must remember our boys are running free and without pain waiting for us to join them... Let your love and memories hold you until that time, and let him run free without worrying about his mom and her grief... Celebrate his life as I celebrate my Toby's life... And dream of the day you will shed no more tears.
I am so sorry!

Re: The Morning After

Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of your boy. May time ease your pain and the memories of this sweet soul comfort you! Godspeed- run free.

Re: The Morning After

Awww, sad to read your post- sad for you, I am so sorry for your loss. time will heal, i know, not the most comforting words right now- but it is true.

sending out hugs to you and your family in this time of loss. The heart will mend, i guarantee.

Re: The Morning After

I read your post and am so sorry for your loss. Yes, as many times as you walk this path, it never gets easier. Sending group hug for you and your family.

Re: The Morning After

It never gets easier.[/quote]
I said these words to my vet after I had lost 2 of my girls within weeks of each other. His reply "and when it gets easier, you should not own any more animals".
May your heart heal and grow just a little larger so that a new friend finds a new home in it when you are ready.

Re: The Morning After

I will have some tears with you. I am soooo very sorry. I hope you can find something to smile about soon and that the pain will fade fast.

Re: The Morning After

Awww, I'm so sorry about your boy. We're never ready to let go, but sometimes it just has to be. I know you will cherish the lifetime of memories that he gave to you. {{{HUGS}}}
Godspeed to your boy.

Re: The Morning After

I am so, so sorry - and you are right, it never gets easier. I'm sorry you and your sweet boy had to go through this. I don't know what else to say except that it will get easier to deal with but the memories will always be there - thankfully.

Re: The Morning After

I am so sorry for you loss, makes you wonder why we keep doing this to ourselves, after I lost my first girl I just wanted to never have another dog to have to go through that pain again, of course I had the other dogs here and had to keep going but darn it it hurts so bad to loose one of our precious labradors. Time will lessen the pain felt but we never forget them. May God bless and comfort you in this time of mourning. You will be with him again someday!

Re: The Morning After

I am so sorry for your Loss. May he be running free and happy with all the others while he waits for you.

The pain subsides a bit with time, but the longer you are in the Lab world more pieces of your heart are broken and those very special dog's places are never filled. New Labs and new pieces begin to form and happiness once again arrives with every new addition. Its so very hard as you go through daily memories and the only consellation is that they are without pain and have their dignity. Time will help mend the sorrow.

Re: The Morning After

We lost 2 of our beloved retirees last year within 8 months of each other.It still hurts horribly.I feel for you.

Re: The Morning After

I brought home an empty collar and lead last night. Even having traveled this road before it's still devastating. I know it's imortant for those left behind to have their routines maintained. I knew enough to put his dish away last night. Still it was a consious effort this morning to make sure I didn;t put out breakfast for him. I went through the morning routine, meds, foods, walks, I made lunch for myself and cleaned the kitchen counters and put everything away. He was always a counter surfer so before I left the kitchen at anytime everything on the counters had to be put away and dishwasher locked.

Dear Scared: I read your post and it made me teary.
I know well what that numb feeling is after a loss like that. You expressed it so well. It never gets any easier, no matter what their age. I have a 14 1/2 year old here right now so will all too soon face the same situation. So sorry for your loss.
Take care of yourself, the others need your love still.

Re: The Morning After

I am so sorry for your loss. I know what you mean about those counter surfers. When I lost my old girl I still found myself locking the dead bolt on the fridge every day.

RIP sweet boy.

Prayers for you in your grief.

Re: The Morning After

It's been 2+ years and I still can't put the toilet paper on the toilet paper holder.

Probably never will.