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bitch owners

PLEASE bitch owners, PLEASE tell me when:

the shipment arrives
how the semen looked
how the breeding went
when to ship the second box
when you send payment
and when you know if she took or not
and what she had

Please follow up with this information ladies.
It would surely be appreciated and it make my job alot easier. Thank you.

Re: bitch owners

Different people do things different ways. What exactly is your job that we are making easier?

Re: bitch owners

Wouldn't these requirements/expectations be covered under a contract??? Just wondering.

Re: bitch owners

I do that out of common courtesy. I would think it is the norm...maybe not for some bitch owners. Sometimes I worry that I bug my stud owners too much giving the info to them....glad to hear you like the information delivered.

I have dealt with one stud owner who could care less about how the pups from the litter her boy sired are doing, and other stud owners who are very interested and have encouraged me with their comments and inquiries.

Re: bitch owners

LOL- i think i give the stud owners a play by play when we have had fresh chilled shipped to us. Even enduring puppy pics after the pups arrive. I don't think i could ever not share. If they don't reply- i keep sending the updates anyway. I know when i've kept from a litter and attained championship or points or any accomplishment - that's when i heard back with a congrats. So I would assume even if they don't always seem to 'care' - i bet they do deep down! I know any of the stud owners i've dealt with- have cared! :-)

Re: bitch owners

"I know any of the stud owners i've dealt with- have cared!"

Those are the only stud owners I would want to deal with, Tina.

Re: bitch owners

I've been lucky- i've dealt with those caring stud owners 3 times now . Oh- and I was one of the stud owners, so 4 times...I have to say that I was NOT the easiest to work with LOL. but i did care!