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puppy vaccines new to puppy care

Hi fellow lab lovers!

I am new to dog caringdog upbringing. I just want it to be very healthy. I got it yesterday and The breeder where I got the pup told me that she already had 2 "6 in 1" vaccines and twice dewormed. Can you help me identify how many more shotsvaccinesdeworming my cute puppy needs? Also, the current keeble of my puppy is beef pro puppy. Any suggestions on what diet she should be in? BTW Im residing here in the manila.

Re: puppy vaccines new to puppy care

The best thing for you to do is visit you vet this week. Have your pup checked for overall health and discuss with your vet the course of vaccinations and timing.
Enjoy your pup.

Re: puppy vaccines new to puppy care


do you have any suggested vaccine itinerary?

Re: puppy vaccines new to puppy care

I honestly do everything through my vet. I trust her completely and she is always heading to Cornell for the most recent information on care. I am also very small so it doesn't make sense for me to do my own vacs. Also, the drug companies will not usually honor any guarantees on their vaccines unless received by a vet.
My pups get first vacs at 7 weeks and then should go back at 9 weeks. I forget after that. I should remember but I am getting old (!) and just depend on my vets reminders. I do worm them more often, 2,4,6,8,10,12 etc. until 4 months.
For any new puppy buyer, a good vet is your best friend. That and any reputable breeder willing to give you advice. My buyers are always sending emails asking for my thoughts, but usually AFTER they see their vet.
Good luck.

Re: puppy vaccines new to puppy care

Bring the 7 week vac info with you to the vet. The first vet I saw with my first puppy (8 weeks) wanted to re-vaccinate. I had her complete the exam but held off on letting her re-vac my puppy. I went home and called my breeder (who is awesome) and she and I agreed that the puppy didn't need to have another set until 10 weeks. The lesson here for me was to find a vet that would partner with me in the care of my puppy, not just do stuff to it. Good luck with your new pup, you will get a lot of good advice here. ~Maria

Re: puppy vaccines new to puppy care

If you are new to this I strongly recommend that you do your vaccine research. Dr. Jean Dodds, DVM and Dr. Ron Schultz, DVM are 2 of the leading vets in this field. Their recommendations are on this website VACCINES What we used to do is over vaccinate, the protocol has changed. Use of titers, and proper spacing of vaccines has become much more important. Giving "cocktails" of vaccines can lead to some pretty serious side effects, similarly giving vaccines to early can be very counter productive.
Good Luck