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Need answer, am curious

Why do people write the giberish ex: lLXKJKJO ?
Is this some sort of secret code? I've seen this in the past but never thought to ask until now...
Thanks in advance for your help!

Re: Need answer, am curious

I don't know the real answer, but the same question was asked not long ago and a very reasonable answer was is possibly someone from another country, possibly China or Japan, trying to post but their computer is not set to English, so it shows up in this format.
Again, I don't know if this is correct or not, but it makes sense.

Re: Need answer, am curious

I actually think it's a spammer, but not sure.

Re: Need answer, am curious

Someone is having "fun", that's all. Just ignore.

Re: Need answer, am curious

My guess is that someone is trying to SPAM the site. Many sites have a "spam blocker" protocol where you have to type back in the auto-ramdom word to prove your are human. I think this is an example of why that's done.

Re: Need answer, am curious

When the cat's away, the mice will play.

Obviously the cat has returned home.

Thank you.

Re: Need answer, am curious

Okay, Thanks to everyone for their comments!