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Congratulations Dauber & Laura !!!!!!

A big congratulations to Dauber and Laura.

Dauber got his last leg today on his JH and will now be known as
BISS.CH. Wilcare Leisure Suit Larry JH, WC.

So nice to see a nice dog with titles at both ends of his name!

Also today is Laura's Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Laura!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Congratulations Dauber & Laura !!!!!!

Yes, HUGE congrats to Laura for Dauber's new JH!!! I had NO idea it was your birthday...I would've shared my McFlurry, lol. We'll celebrate tomorrow!!

Re: Congratulations Dauber & Laura !!!!!!

Congratulations Laura and Dauber on the new JH title! Happy Birthday Laura, what a nice present Dauber gave you!

Re: Congratulations Dauber & Laura !!!!!!

Yea, that is huge. I just love a smart dog and pretty dog. Big congrats. And bet that was all the present Laura needed yesterday.

Re: Congratulations Dauber & Laura !!!!!!

WOO HOOO!!! You get um' girl! For a clown, he gets the job done! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Re: Congratulations Dauber & Laura !!!!!!

Congratulations Dauber and a Big Happy Birthday to Laura.

Re: Congratulations Dauber & Laura !!!!!!

Rock~on Dauber. Told you he would getter done Laura!!! Congratulations Dauber and Laura. Happy Birthday Laura!!!

Re: Congratulations Dauber & Laura !!!!!!

Wasn't that thoughtful of Dauber to give Laura such a great birthday present!


Re: Congratulations Dauber & Laura !!!!!!

Laura has done a great job with Dauber in a very short amount of
time. She has only been training him for a couple of months.

I want to send her my clown, Lil' Ljutic and let her further her skills!!!!! Ha Ha

Re: Congratulations Dauber & Laura !!!!!!

Congrats Laura and Dauber. I hope his babies do as well. I'm impressed.

Re: Congratulations Dauber & Laura !!!!!!

Way to Go Laura!

Huge congratulations!

Happy Birthday too!

Re: Congratulations Dauber & Laura !!!!!!

Way to go Laura and Daddy Dauber. The kids senD congratulations

Re: Congratulations Dauber & Laura !!!!!!

Congratulations Laura and Dauber. And, a very special Happy Birthday Laura.

Re: Congratulations Dauber & Laura !!!!!!

Congratulations, Laura & Dauber!! I'm sure that was a wonderful birthday gift!

Re: Congratulations Dauber & Laura !!!!!!

Well, I'm back on earth!! Thanks everyone for the kind words.
Dauber is truly amazing. I am in awe of his desire and ability. I never thought we would get his mind off girls, but shocked me every time we trained. Kim Bryson (Synergy) should take credit for his title for putting a flame under my butt and convincing me to get back into field. I did and I am lovin it, and I'm staying! Dauber is driven yet still silly in the field. I even got "clown" comments from the H.T. judge's who got a chuckle out of him and his antics (after he has his bird). It's obvious wherever he goes I guess. I ran him on Sunday too because I had him entered. He almost took the last blind out dragging me when the gun went off for the dog ahead of us. He passed Sunday too. He is such a dream dog. Thanks Sue!!!