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EVO feeders

For those of you who feed EVO - at what age do you start feeding it to your puppies? Some of the info on the website says not to feed it to large breed puppies until age 2, other spots on the website state that it is okay to feed to labradors after age 1.

Also, do you leave your older dogs on EVO, or do you switch to Innova after a certain age? I'm just wondering about the high fat levels for an older dog.

Thanks in advance.

Re: EVO feeders

Check out Beowulf's site(Back to Basics)for their take on fat-quite interesting.

Re: EVO feeders

I usually start my pups on Evo at about 14 months. I have all of my old dogs on it also......all the way up to 13 years. They are all doing great.....yearly routine blood panels all normal.....nice compaints here. I do find that I feed less kibble....I also supplement with fresh vegies, fruit, yogurt , mackeral and raw marrow bones.