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Nesting material for bitches

Wondering what you use for your bitch to nest in when she is in the first stage? I use shredded newspapers. Other ideas appreciated.

Re: Nesting material for bitches

I use white towels. Towels because she can fling them around and easily rearrange them, plus they are easily washed. White so that I can see if there is any discharge and immediately see what color. Sheets also work.
Good Luck.

Re: Nesting material for bitches

I also use light colored towels for the same reasons Susan stated.
I prefer to do laundry than to mess with newspapers.
I use towels all the way through delivery, changing as we progress.

Re: Nesting material for bitches

I like the reclaimed hospital pads - they might have a hole or a stain but they are as cheap as $3 each online or on eBay.