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Shawnee Mission results

WD: Sunnybrook They Call Me Sketch
RWD: Big Sky's Heaven Scent From Trinity

Congrats to Ryan and Mary Chambers and Linda Ciancio for Sketch's major, and to the Greens and Kirschners for Joshuas reserve!

Re: Shawnee Mission results

Thanks for the update Carrie. Congratulations to the winners.

Re: Shawnee Mission results

BOB - Ch. Beechcroft Study's Top Secret
WB/BOS - Rozzay's Holiday I Do DeClare

Re: Shawnee Mission results

WD: Sunnybrook They Call Me Sketch
RWD: Big Sky's Heaven Scent From Trinity

Congrats to Ryan and Mary Chambers and Linda Ciancio for Sketch's major, and to the Greens and Kirschners for Joshuas reserve!

Who owns Sketch?

Re: Shawnee Mission results

Ryan and Mary Chambers of Sunnybrook Kennels

Re: Shawnee Mission results

Way to go Ryan and Mary, from all your Mexican friends.

Re: Shawnee Mission results

Anyone have any of the other winners? TIA......... WB BOW ETC?

Re: Shawnee Mission results

If you read the previous posts you can figure out the winners you are wanting to know about...WB BOW....they are listed in previous posts