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fresh chilled semen to Canada

I haven't shipped any fresh chilled semen to Canada for awhile and wonder how easy or difficult it might be these days.My main concern is clearing customs.

Please post or email me privately if you have any recent experience shipping fresh chilled semen into Canada.

Re: fresh chilled semen to Canada

Hi Saudjie;

I just recently received a shipment from the US. And its very simple. You just require a commerical invoice stating that it is """non-infectious canine semen""". I used Fedex, and I got it less than 24 hours after it was sent.

One thing that you might come across , is that your carrier might state that the receiver needs an import permit. Well, you dont. You do need one for equine semen, but not canine.

Hope this helps!

Re: fresh chilled semen to Canada

One recommendation -

The commercial invoice should be faxed ahead of time to Canada Customs - the Department of Agriculture and Food Inspection Agency.

Using this for customs- helps it get out with the driver on time with Fed Ex - it's a pre-clearance protocol that they even suggest to do .

I had one shipment - my first time doing shipped, that didn't finish clearing customs in time to get out with Fed Ex driver, so it went to their warehouse where it'd sit overnight! A friend of mine RUSHED to the warehouse to pick it up and deliver to my vet directly. she saved us! it was already 2 days old from the weekend.

Our shipper pre-faxed it the night before once, and another time - the shipper faxed it the moment fed ex picked up from them. Made a world of difference.and if you do speak directly to Fed Ex - they guide you thru who to speak to in Customs/Ag & Food . Then you get the details of what they suggest on the cover letter and will give you the fax #.


Re: fresh chilled semen to Canada

Keep in mind the value you put on each box is what customs will also charge tax if you put the actual stud fee value on each shipment, the receiver is charged tax on that amount each time.

Re: fresh chilled semen to Canada

Keep in mind the value you put on each box is what customs will also charge tax if you put the actual stud fee value on each shipment, the receiver is charged tax on that amount each time.
