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Average weight gain of pregnant bitch

I have been trying to find without sucess the average weight gain for a Labrador bitch to term with 8 puppies. Anyone have ideas from past litters or have all your bitches been different?



Re: Average weight gain of pregnant bitch

Our puppies weigh about a pound each. I figure if you add another pound for the placenta and amniotic fluid that comes to 16 pounds. She could safely gain that much plus maybe another 5 pounds or so for reserve.

Re: Average weight gain of pregnant bitch

Recent litter bitch gained 21 pounds , had 12 puppies all near 1 pound at birth.

Re: Average weight gain of pregnant bitch

Recent litter, 12 pups, she gained 22 lbs. All 13 - 14 ounces except one 8 ouncer (who was very strong suckling, but we gave him a couple supplemental feedings by tube feeding the first couple days... he caught up quickly on his on from there).

Re: Average weight gain of pregnant bitch

My last litter the bitch gained 25 pounds. 11 pups, none more than 1 pound. So I think a safe guesstimate is 2 pounds per puppy.

Re: Average weight gain of pregnant bitch

Maybe a bit different here, my bitch gained 3lbs per puppy, was 78lbs prior to breeding and 108 at whelp, 10 puppies, all about 1 pound.

Post whelp exam, she was 85 all puppy, and milk.