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Animal Rights Vigilantes? New show on National Geographic

The National Geographic Channel is going to start airing a new program call Rescue Ink. From what I can tell, they are just a bunch of tough, tattooed guys that break into people's homes and take their animals if they "think" they are being abused. This should be illegal!

This is what it says about the show:
"This new weekly series that documents this unlikely group of animal activists on their crusade to save helpless, abandoned and abused animals. The eclectic band of brothers — composed of club bouncers, security guards and even a retired New York Police Department (NYPD) detective — is on call 24/7 to take on cases no one else will. They’re not cops, animal experts or even animal control. They’re just big guys with even bigger hearts and a desire to save animals from deplorable living conditions and abusive or simply misguided owners."

This is going to set a dangerous precedent. I hope it doesn't start of wave of private animal vigilantes! These people seem very aggressive in the previews I've seen. Scary...

Click on the link to read more about it:

Re: Animal Rights Vigilantes? New show on National Geographic

even with the hype the network is trying to build around this show, that the group they are photographing are about to do anything illegal, or would result in charges of theft, assault, threatened assault, or any type of activity which could reflect back negatively on National Geographic, or worse yet, subject the network to a lawsuit. I think any television/cable network is too legally savvy to put themselves in that type of position, no matter what ratings they expect the show to get.