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Malaseb no longer available?

Has anyone heard about a recall of products made by Teva, including Malaseb?

Re: Malaseb no longer available?

No recall, just a production problem with some of the human drugs they make. The FDA shut the whole shebang down until the issues are corrected.

Re: Malaseb no longer available?

A little more research turned up these two articles, which says that the issue is quality control of vet products.

Re: Malaseb no longer available?

The issue was non-compliance with the FDA for over 2 years, and once you raise the ire of a federal agency, you are dead in the water! Those products are recalled, and it was the veterinary line, not the human line. TEVA makes a generic human Propofol, which is what killed Michael Jackson, and that was unavailable during that whole ordeal, but is back on the market now.
DermaPet, Duoxo, and Virbac make comparable products to those recalled TEVA/DVM products, Any questions, ask me, as I work for a veterinary distributorship and I have been dealing with this issue with my veterinary clients for the past month or so and am very familiar with the alternatives.

Re: Malaseb no longer available?

Robin McBain
The issue was non-compliance with the FDA for over 2 years, and once you raise the ire of a federal agency, you are dead in the water! Those products are recalled, and it was the veterinary line, not the human line. TEVA makes a generic human Propofol, which is what killed Michael Jackson, and that was unavailable during that whole ordeal, but is back on the market now.
DermaPet, Duoxo, and Virbac make comparable products to those recalled TEVA/DVM products, Any questions, ask me, as I work for a veterinary distributorship and I have been dealing with this issue with my veterinary clients for the past month or so and am very familiar with the alternatives.

I heard about this problem with TEVA. Can these other products only be obtained online or through a veterinary hospital? Do any chain stores sell the other shampoos? I wanted to bathe a bitch with it tomorrow, I realized tonight that I had a small amount left. Also, which product is priced the best and where do you recommend purchasing it? Do you know if compounding pharmacies like Road Runner can make the same shampoo? I would purchase a gallon or more if I can save something. TIA for any information you can provide.