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x-ray for pregnant girl

How old can your pregnant b*t*h be to have an x-ray done? Thank you.

Re: x-ray for pregnant girl

How old can your pregnant b*t*h be to have an x-ray done? Thank you.

Huh?? Do you mean how far along can she be to xray for a puppy count??

Re: x-ray for pregnant girl


Re: x-ray for pregnant girl

My vet suggests day 60/61 to do an xray for a puppy count.

Re: x-ray for pregnant girl

We have always been able to to do an x-ray safely for a count at day 53 and on up. However, maybe call your vet to see what they recommend.

Re: x-ray for pregnant girl

Tina @ Tyric
My vet suggests day 60/61 to do an xray for a puppy count.

Respectfully, I dont agree Tina, too late. Most dogs are already in pre nesting labor, or just starting to show signs at this point and you would never move them to do an x ray. My girls all whelp day 59 into 60.

I have always been told and have always suggested to others day 56/57/58 for puppy count x rays.

Re: x-ray for pregnant girl

Sorry. Don't do pre whelp x rays here.
Inaccurate and stressful for everyone.
You will be more likely to see me doing a POST whelp xray IF I think somethings not quite 'right'.
Otherwise, experience (and my bitch) tells me all I need to know.

Tina @ Tyric
My vet suggests day 60/61 to do an xray for a puppy count.

Respectfully, I dont agree Tina, too late. Most dogs are already in pre nesting labor, or just starting to show signs at this point and you would never move them to do an x ray. My girls all whelp day 59 into 60.

I have always been told and have always suggested to others day 56/57/58 for puppy count x rays.

Re: x-ray for pregnant girl

Sorry. Don't do pre whelp x rays here.
Inaccurate and stressful for everyone.
You will be more likely to see me doing a POST whelp xray IF I think somethings not quite 'right'.
Otherwise, experience (and my bitch) tells me all I need to know.

Tina @ Tyric
My vet suggests day 60/61 to do an xray for a puppy count.

Respectfully, I dont agree Tina, too late. Most dogs are already in pre nesting labor, or just starting to show signs at this point and you would never move them to do an x ray. My girls all whelp day 59 into 60.

I have always been told and have always suggested to others day 56/57/58 for puppy count x rays.

To each their own. I've found the closer to whelping, the more accurate the radiograph. I would rather have a good idea of how many she's carrying than none at all. My guesses are usually close but it's nice to have a film that shows heads and spines also.

A relaxed bitch doesn't get stressed from a radiograph, not in mine anyway.

Our radiographs are usually done at day 59-60. If in any doubt, I do a post-whelp radiograph also.

Re: x-ray for pregnant girl

I don't disagree on what you do with your dogs...nor what anyone does. While i'm in my vet's care, i follow my vet's suggestion.

I've only ever xrayed once for curiousity count at day 60 based on his suggested time. My girl was relaxed enough for it, and she didn't put up a fight. The reason we did it, was based on not getting a good count on her ultrasound, and it was her first litter and my first litter. Her second litter- we had a puppy stuck holding up others - and did do an xray to know who was left in there. That litter had 3 more pups than the ultrasound said - and with a stuck puppy - i was extremely happy to know there were 2 more in there.

:-) But for other litters i've had, i had my guesstimate count already- and we were fine without any additional xrays.

Re: x-ray for pregnant girl

I had her half sister x-rayed. Showed seven pups. This was her first litter. I'm glad I did the x-ray, she had a hard time whelping. She started at 5:30 p.m. stopped at 12:am. I fell asleep after puppy number six at 12:00 a.m. Morning came took her to the Vet. took out a very big pup, still born. If I hadn't had the x-ray I would have thought she was done the way she behaved. So, in my opinion I think x-rays are a valuable tool.

Re: x-ray for pregnant girl

The earliest you can xray and be safe for the puppies is 45 days. This will usually give you a yes or no but the longer you wait the more accurate the xray will be, esp. if you want to try to get an accurate count.