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Believe it or not, I just went to my local Sam's Club, and lo and behold, they have EXCEED Lamb and Rice AND Chicken and Rice. I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't seeing things. It wasn't there 3 days ago.

The store is in Vestal, NY.

Re: Exceed

Same story at my Sams Club in Mansfield, I bought 10 bags today,not there yestereday, that should last long enough for them to get this worked out.

Re: Exceed

No Exceed by Tues. afternoon here in CNY.

Re: Exceed

Gail ~ We had Exceed Lamb and Rice only at our Sam's today in VA, 44lbs for $29.98.

Re: Exceed

Be patient. It's on it's way. All good things take time.

Sam's would be crazy to stop their Exceed.

Re: Exceed

LOL...just like Coke would be crazy to change their formula??
Anyway for those who use Exceed I hope they keep the formulation the same and they stock up for you!

Re: Exceed

our Sam's just got a whole new truckload full yesterday of both the chicken and Rice AND the Lamb and Rice formula. We loaded up. For all of our dogs that are not show dogs, we love this food.
I hope all of your Sam's Clubs get a shipment.

Re: Exceed

As a newbie, I have to ask, how do you feed your show dogs differently? I have also been feeding Exceed, but have a boy I am trying to show.

Re: Exceed

south jersey SAMS has both in stock WOOHOO

Re: Exceed

Just checked an hour ago at our Sam's here in CNY and STILL no Exceed!!!

Re: Exceed

Heads up, a MARS rep called this evening to apologize for the inconvenience (she was given my info by Keith) and they are sending me out a gift card for Exceed. She once again assured me that the food is NOT being discontinued and many of the stores are giving out false information. I hope everyone who has emailed Keith gets one!

Re: Exceed

One of the stores in CNY finally has 23 bags!