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? AKC Rule Change

I recieved this email from the AKC website yesterday, and I'm a bit confused. I am rather new, so pardon my ignorance please. I have a 20 month old boy I plan on using as my stud when he has all appropriate clearances, and I have shown him several times in the past year. Does this mean I can't show him anymore until I get him registered in the AKC Stud Book? If so, how do I go about getting him registered as such? Basically, can someone kindly dumb this down a bit and simplify the jargon for me?

Chapter 11, Section 1.

No dog shall be exhibited in a licensed or member dog show, except for dogs entered in the Miscellaneous Class unless it is either individually registered in the AKC Stud Book, or individually registered with a foreign registry organization whose pedigrees are acceptable for AKC registration. A dog with an AKC limited Registration shall be ineligible to be entered in a breed competition in a licensed or member dog show.

An unregistered dog with an acceptable foreign registration that is individually registered with a foreign registry organization whose pedigrees are acceptable for AKC registration may, without special AKC approval, be exhibited in licensed or member dog shows that are held not later than 30 days after the date of the first licensed or member dog show in which the dog was exhibited, but only provided that the individual foreign registration and name of the country of birth, are shown on the entry form; and provided further that the same name (which in the case of a foreign-registered dog must be the name on the foreign registrations) is used for the dog each time.

No dog that has not been individually registered with The American Kennel Club when first exhibited in a licensed or member dog show shall be eligible to be exhibited in any licensed or member dog show that is held more than 30 days after the date of the first licensed or member dog show in which it was exhibited, unless the dog's individual AKC registration number is shown on the entry form, or unless the owner has received from The American Kennel Club an extension notice in writing authorizing further entries of the dog for a specified time with its individual foreign registration number. No such extension will be granted unless the owner can clearly demonstrate, in a letter addressed to the Show Records Department of The American Kennel Club requesting such extension, that the delay in registration is due to circumstances for which he is not responsible.

Such extension notice will be void upon registration of the dog or upon expiration of the period for which the extension has been granted if that occurs earlier, but upon application further extensions may be granted.

Re: ? AKC Rule Change

This rule change refers to imported dogs. You used to be able to show them based on their foreign registry#. Now you must have an AKC registry # within 30 days of entering the show or any prizes awarded will be nullified.
It has nothing to do with the stud book. Your dog will automatically be entered into the AKC stud book at the time of registering his first get.

Re: ? AKC Rule Change

You're fine - it's referring to AKC registration, and if you've been showing him I'm sure you have that - it's the string beginning with two letters followed by eight numbers.

Re: ? AKC Rule Change

The AKC registration number is the same as the litter number these many days of course, so one can show on the number without actually filing the final registration and final name. Although I admit to showing pups I am growing out on litter registration numbers in the past, I think that this rule is a pretty good one. Especially since I can always change the name (for more money to AKC) if I change my mind on the name. The negative is that the full registration can't be changed back to limited if I decide he really isn't going to be my next show dog when I compare my new pride and joy to what else is out there or see how he reacts in show environment, etc. However, in the past, one just had to register within 30 days of an award, I believe, with extensions possible.

If this rule had been in place 6 years ago, I would not have bred to an UNREGISTERED young male who had been shown at my other breed's national by his owner/breeder, a member of two clubs and their boards--one the national club. This dog was shown at several shows for SIX MONTHS on only a litter registration number--presumably with some extensions filed. His clearances had his registration number, the show results had it, the AKC just didn't have the paperwork filed by owner. I was up the freaking creek when I had nine puppies by this dog--AKC won't register a litter if the sire has not been registered. I had to send my puppy buyers away while I sorted out the mess for the next few months. This was a person who had used our stud dog, who I had known for years at shows, in clubs, etc. Lesson learned. I now look up the outside male on AKC site to make sure he is registered. Really. Then I call AKC to try to confirm that the owner owns him. Really. The burned breeder dreads the fire. . .

Re: ? AKC Rule Change

Ok, thanks for simplifying. I just wanted to make sure everything was in order, he's been registered since he was 10 weeks old, so I'm good.

Re: ? AKC Rule Change

"The AKC registration number is the same as the litter number these many days of course, so one can show on the number without actually filing the final registration and final name."

Evidently show results are audited. I recently received a letter from akc moving up my dog in placement because somebody showed their dog with a litter#, not registered. You have 10 days from date of entry to have the correct ownership and registration in place, not 10 days from the show. You take a chance - you will have any awards taken away.

Re: ? AKC Rule Change

The current rules (not next year's) appear to be addressed on this link as well as show rules, with 30 days being the magic number until January:

However, Bred by Exhibitor dogs must be individually registered. Also, these days it costs money to file an extension. Might be worth it if trying to decide on full vs limited, even if it involves mailing back something like a fourth place ribbon! Will not be an option after new rules take effect in January.

"Extension, Unregistered Dog, AKC Litter Number

"Can I show my dog using its litter registration number?

"The AKC Rules Applying to Dog Shows (Chapter 11, Section 1) allow you to show in AKC events using an AKC litter number in classes for which the dog is eligible. The dog may compete for thirty days beginning with the first day of exhibit. When completing an Official AKC Entry Form for an event, the dog's litter number should be recorded in the appropriate space on the form indicating that it is a litter number.

"After thirty days, either one of these two things must happen for the dog to be shown:

"1. The AKC individual registration must be recorded and the dog must be shown using its individual AKC registration number, or
"2. You must have been granted an extension to continue showing with on the litter number. Requests for extensions must be in writing (by mail, fax, or email) and must have been granted prior to the event."

The link above also addresses foreign numbers, juniors, etc.

Re: ? AKC Rule Change

In a nutshell, you can't show your puppy/dog until AKC has processed the registration.

Re: ? AKC Rule Change

Correct.. at one time, you could show your puppy on his litter reg#. You can no longer do that. ALL dogs must be AKC reg. prior to entering the breed ring~