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From Full to Limited

Why AKC does not allow changing registration from full to limited or at least to a new non breeding status? Wouldn't it a peace of mind when we place older puppies or dogs as pets that already have full registration? I currently give only a copy of the papers until the dog gets spayed or neutered, but still, I worry that someone could use the papers to register whatever puppies. I do my screening, but you never know.

Re: From Full to Limited

If I place an older puppy or dog that I have already registered on full they get spayed/neutered before they leave my house.
Then they still only get copies of all paperwork and no one has ever complained.

Re: From Full to Limited

I also don't understand why you can change from limited to full, but not vice versa. I too thought of just giving copies of the AKC paperwork until they provide proof of spaying. But then a friend advised that if I'm not careful where I place her she could still be breed . I think AKC should really change this rule for everyone's benefit.

Re: From Full to Limited

Don't you think that if they will breed on photocopies of registration (you need to black out the issue date if you give them a copy as that's what is used to register a litter online) - the same people would be more than happy to breed a litter and sell it unregistered or perhaps register the girl in UKC and sell them as UKC registered (or any of the fake registries out there)?

I don't give buyers the registration papers at all, but if you're that worried that the people you are placing a bitch with will breed her, you need to either not place her in that home, or spay her before she leaves your property.

Re: From Full to Limited

The easiest way to ensure the dog will not be bred once it leaves your home is to spay or neuter it before it leaves.

Re: From Full to Limited

The easiest way to ensure the dog will not be bred once it leaves your home is to spay or neuter it before it leaves.
Ditto! I think if you are going to place a dog out of your home, it needs to be altered. Once it's incapable of reproducing, Full registration won't mean squat.

I am fine with giving copies of the papers until the new owners alter the animal. If you are so distrustful of the new owners, thinking they'll breed the dog first, maybe you need to re-examine your screening process for placing dogs.

Re: From Full to Limited

I've never had a problem, but I was just wondering why AKC does not allow it.

Re: From Full to Limited

We always spay or neuter before they leave us. That way you don't have to worry and new family are thrilled they are already done. Glad to pay extra for it also.

Re: From Full to Limited

Breeder 30
We always spay or neuter before they leave us. That way you don't have to worry and new family are thrilled they are already done. Glad to pay extra for it also.

At what are are you spaying/neutering? I do not like to have it done too early for the health of the dog.

Re: From Full to Limited

I have not placed one under a year. That is when I do pre lims. Most time a little older. So not young at all.