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Shedding by color

Im just curious but over the years Ive noticed my black labs shed alot less than either my chocolates or yellows. Does anyone know why this is?
They eat Innova and their coats look fabulous but I would say in tems of shedding yellows shed the most followed by chocolates. They also seem to shed all year while blacks seem to shed seasonally. Just curious to know why?

Re: Shedding by color

They all shed all year long. Then they blow coat periodically. Never all at once, of course.

The thing I know for sure is my yellows' nails grow much, much faster than my blacks. Groan.....

Re: Shedding by color

I have noticed that the yellow hair is lighter in weight than my chocolates and blacks so it seems that the yellow hair travels further and is always on top of the other hair on the floor. I am not sure if the yellows shed more but their hair is everywhere.

Yes, the yellows' nails grow faster and seem to me to be not as hard as the other colors. When I dremel the nails, sometimes the yellows just chunk off.

Re: Shedding by color

Many yellows tend to have more undercoat and their coats are generally not as oily as the blacks.

Re: Shedding by color

That's intersting about your experiences with the yellows and Blacks. Our yellows have always seemed to have naturally slow growing nails as compared to our chocolates and blacks. The blacks and chocolates do seem to have tougher nails to cut though.

As far as the yellows shedding more, our yellow girls can vary. This year my dogs started shedding massively in July, probably had to do with our 101 degree hot spell.

Our one yellow girl who has a softer coat than her half sister has shed horribly this summer and yes, we find her hair floating about everywhere, including in our counter where I am prepping food. To combat this, I have to sweep the floors in the kitchen to keep the hair from floating up.

I know my chocoaltes shed to because when I wash their bedding every week, my dryer lint is full of a ton of hair. When I sweep the floors upstairs and downstairs I get alot of brown hair, it's just that their coat is more correct and heavier so it doesn't float up and go everywhere.