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Bitch in whelp What do you do to aid in process

Going to be having my first litter in six years naturally. Just wanted to get others input on any other aid in helping my girl whelp besides giving her yogurt to help her calcuim up. I do walk my girls around and they usually have thier first pup outside. Didn't know any other tricks of the trade to help her so we don't have to have a C-section or complications.

Re: Bitch in whelp What do you do to aid in process

best aid, stay relaxed and do NOT rush her. Let it happen her way. Can be a quick whelp, may be a longer whelp. No distress, no bad discharge, dont panic.

Good luck with the whelp

Re: Bitch in whelp What do you do to aid in process

I bet you are over the moon about having your first litter in 6 yrs !! I'm sure you know to take your flash light out with you when you take your about to whelp girl outside with you at night time.

I don't let my girls who are about due to whelp their first puppy outside unless she is on a leash and only to go outside to relieve themselves. They get to nesting outside and find a hard to get to place to whelp her pups which is why we always keep our girls in the house when serious nesting begins.

Our girls are kept in tip top shape all the way through pregnancy by taking them for long walks and fetching bumpers etc. We've yet to need a C-section in 12 yrs of breeding,,,knock on wood !!!!

Do you have some pit on hand that your vet can instruct you to use just incase your girl is trying to bear down to whelp a pup but her contractions are too weak to get it out ?

Good luck and hope your girl delivers a box full of healthy puppies and be sure to enjoy all that puppy breath !!!!

Re: Bitch in whelp What do you do to aid in process

I'm afraid I am going to have to disagree with this part of your advise to this person, PIT should only be used in the hands of a experienced vet, you can cause all kinds of horrors using it if you don't know what your doing and unless the vet is there to see what is going on it should not be given by a lay person. I have been breeding labs for almost 30 years and I will NOT give PIT to any of my dogs whelping myself.

Northwest Breeder

Do you have some pit on hand that your vet can instruct you to use just incase your girl is trying to bear down to whelp a pup but her contractions are too weak to get it out ?


Re: Bitch in whelp What do you do to aid in process

I agree with the Pit. My vet wouldn't even give it to me, and they know me well enough to give me just about any medication without an appointment. I think if you do an xray, and know how many to expect, with counting placentas, once mom is done, I almost thing doing Pit as a "clean out" is just unnatural.

I don't know how far along your girl is, but hopefully she has stayed in condition during the 2 month gestation. I also don't believe in too much over-feeding of the bitch. They get fat, the pups get too big, and suddenly there goes the option of natural whelping.

Re: Bitch in whelp What do you do to aid in process

I use oxi.What is pit?

Re: Bitch in whelp What do you do to aid in process

Oxy is the same as pit.

don't forget a clean towel when walking her outside.

Re: Bitch in whelp What do you do to aid in process

I give 1 cup vanilla icecream every few hours. It keeps moms' blood sugar up and keeps energy level up. Moms love it.

Re: Bitch in whelp What do you do to aid in process

I had a mentor who taught me to use pit responsibly. It's not something that I take lightly or dole out like candy. Many times I don't use pit at all. It depends on the situation and what my vet tells me at the time I think I need to use it.

A good example of pit coming in handy was my small litter we had a couple years ago. My girl had whelped 3 puppies without any help, not pit used. 12 hours after she had whelped her 3rd puppy, she kept on nesting and behaving oddly so I decided to give her a clean out shot. 5 minutes later she whelps a beautiful black female, DOA of course. Had I not given her that PIT shot, my girl would have gotten an infection most likely.

I do like to give out clean out shots when I am convinced my girl has whelped her last puppy. We've never had any nightmares using pit but then again,I use it responsibly.