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Attn RAW feeders and/or deer hunters

I have a family member that hunts and butchers his own deers. I feed a kibble based diet, but was wondering if any of the "discards" from the carcass would be good for the dogs? Should I ask for a raw femur bone to feed? Liver to make bait? Any suggestions appreciated.

Re: Attn RAW feeders and/or deer hunters

I would think that the venison would be great for the dogs and I'd like some venison sausage, if you can take special orders :)

Re: Attn RAW feeders and/or deer hunters

Take everything you can get except the weight bearing bones. Lucky you

Re: Attn RAW feeders and/or deer hunters

Ok, help a non-hunter out. Weight bearing bones: so you advise to take maybe a rib bone but not a femur bone right

Re: Attn RAW feeders and/or deer hunters

What is bad about the weight bearing bones?

Re: Attn RAW feeders and/or deer hunters

Weight bearing bones are composed differently and are more likely to splinter. Cow shank bones are large enough that it isn't a huge concern (although they will break teeth) and chicken bones are fine because they are small and the birds are very young when killed so they are quite soft.
In between sized animals like deer and pigs have weight bearing bones that will definitely splinter so personally I would steer clear.
I would ask for neck and back bones, ribs, tail, the head if you can stomach it, and leave the rest unless you have some small dogs.
I would keep the stomach, the lungs, the heart, the liver, the kidneys and whatever meat is left over.
Your dogs will love it

Re: Attn RAW feeders and/or deer hunters

When my husband gets a deer and butchers it, I sit right there going thru the scraps, chopping and trimming. Don't give them any of the fat. There is alot of meat that has tough strands running thru it that people don't want but the dogs love.

Re: Attn RAW feeders and/or deer hunters

Oh yes, and the trachea is an excellent source of natural glucosamine!!

Re: Attn RAW feeders and/or deer hunters

Just an FYI most deer hunters don't butcher there own deer. They take them to a local butcher who main does deer during the season. From the parts that people are looking other than organs. So even if you don't know any deer hunters with a little looking could come across a lot of left over parts.

Re: Attn RAW feeders and/or deer hunters

Many of the hunters around here do butcher their own and we also have a processing butcher near by.
When we take the cows in I tell him what parts I want for family meat and then what parts I want for dog meat.
He usually throws in extras from other peoples kills that they would never want and he would just throw out.

If you have a local butcher you can go there and ask for leftovers as well.

Re: Attn RAW feeders and/or deer hunters

I often cook beef heart rubbed with garlic for bait - the dogs love it!

Re: Attn RAW feeders and/or deer hunters

One down side, once they get "real meat" they'll think you're crazy or mad at them for feeding them kibble again. I had one that turned her nose up at kibble for two days "waiting" on me to get the "real thing". Poor baby thought I had lost my mind.

Re: Attn RAW feeders and/or deer hunters

Venison is actually a very good source of protein as it is so lean (the fat is avoided as it is very thick and gamey tasting). We have both processed our own meat as well as taken it to the butcher in the past, as my husband and I both hunt. The only thing you may want to keep in mind is that deer in certain parts of the country have been known to develop chronic wasting disease in the last few years. It is generally a central nervous system disorder. They haven't been able to decide whether it is transferrable ro people or other animals for sure, but we have been told to take precautions just in case:

1. Avoid the meat of an obviously diseased deer (ie: one that is staggering around, acting strange, or does not look right - thin, unhealthy, etc.)
2. Avoid the nerve tissues completely - spinal cord, brain, etc. Make sure the butcher you use processes the deer without cutting through spinal cord.
3. A deer can be processed without cutting through any bone at all. This method is preferred, as well as removal of any connective tissue/fat, etc.

In my experience, dogs love venison. It is a very lean source of protein for both dogs and people.

Re: Attn RAW feeders and/or deer hunters

Valuable and important information - you beat me to the punch!