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Marrow Bones?

I give both my boys fresh marrow bones once every 2 weeks and they love them .
This past week my 5 month old Puppy keeps stealing from them both. Is 5 months to young for her to start having her own marrow bones

Re: Marrow Bones?

No it's not too young, I give my puppies marrow bones that I have previously frozen(to hopefully kill any tapeworm) starting around 6 weeks. They like to play with them and chew them,and they all have nice pearly white straight teeth!!

Re: Marrow Bones?

I give my pups marrow bones at three months. I give them bones that are about three inches long and are frozen. They love them......if they are frozen it takes them longer to get the marrow I think it feels good on teething gums !! When they are older I do not give them frozen bones....I am afraid they might become too hard or brittle.