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Anal Glands

Is there any way of keeping the anal glands from becoming impacted? Or is this just natural over a period of time? Does type of food have anything to do with it?

Re: Anal Glands

After much research, I am convinced the problem with impacted anal glands has to do with the "shape" of the glands. If they are going to be a problem or not. I have not found any supplement or food change that works. Only thing I do is find a Vet that will do a good job of cleaning them & for my boy that is every 6 weeks or so. Good luck!

Re: Anal Glands

That's the same boat my big, black boy and I are in. I give my dogs raw veggies and fruits for treats and fiber and they are on a grain free kibble. My black boy and I have a standing vet tech appointment every 3 weeks for his anal glands. His glands are so embedded and difficult to reach, I let a trained person do this. There doesn't seem to be an easy and one-size fits all solution other than trips to the vet. By the way, the vet tech has offered to teach me how to do this procedure. I'll do ANYTHING for my boys, but I draw the line here!

Re: Anal Glands

Several years ago one of my girls was having trouble with her anal glands. She needed them expressed approximately monthly (she was eating a food that was chicken and turkey based). I was told at the time that some dogs just need their glands expressed because of anatomy. I switched foods (to a turkey protein) and all of a sudden she needed them done every 10 days or so. Switched her to a food that contained no turkey and she hasn't needed her anal glands expressed since, and that was 4 years ago.

So, my short answer is yes, food can contribute to anal gland issues.

Re: Anal Glands

There probably isn't just one reason why some dogs have chronic anal sac issues (vs some dogs who never have a problem).

Anatomy can be one reason- sometimes it seems like the placement of the sac or orientation of the duct is different and it makes it harder for the fluid to be expelled during normal defecation.

Allergies can also play a part- we see some dogs who have chronic ear problems especially, who also have recurrent anal sac issues.

In some dogs diet certainly can play a part- I suppose it could be two-fold. Food allergies might be part of it, but also a food that causes softer stool. The anal sac normal empties with defecation but if the stools aren't firm enough it seems like it's harder to empty the sacs.

typically it's a small dog problem, but we are seeing more and more labs needing their anal sacs expressed.

Re: Anal Glands

I have another issue with my girl's anal glands. She suffers from chronic infection. They are not impacted but she has two holes on the outside that bleed when they get inflamed. We have surgically opened them and cleaned them out and left a drain tube. Antibiotics work for a while then they become inflamed again. I am beginning to think that we will have to have them removed...not my best choice but this has been going on for way too long. We just can't seem to get them to heal up.

Has anyone had experience with problems that can occur when the glands are removed? My current vet and I have discussed this option.

Re: Anal Glands

One thing I forgot to mention is that this problem began about 3 months after I started feeding the Pro Plan shredded garbage. I have since changed foods a couple of times with no change in her situation. This has been going on for 9 months.

Re: Anal Glands

Have you tried Eukanuba?

Re: Anal Glands

Cindy- are you sure the holes are actually from the anal sacs themselves vs something like perianal fistuals (draining tracts in the perianal area but unassociated with the anal sacs)??

If you are sure that they are the anal sacs is it on both sides or just one side? And did it begin as an infected anal sac (like an abscess)?

Re: Anal Glands

Wendy Ernst, DVM
Cindy- are you sure the holes are actually from the anal sacs themselves vs something like perianal fistuals (draining tracts in the perianal area but unassociated with the anal sacs)??

If you are sure that they are the anal sacs is it on both sides or just one side? And did it begin as an infected anal sac (like an abscess)?

Well, I am not 100% certain but we have been treating the anal sac on one side. It did appear to be an abcess at first and when it was opened and cleaned out, my vet said that it was filled with what looked like crystalized pus (YUCK). We are going back in this week and I will ask her about this.

Thanks for the reply Wendy!

And no, I have not tried Eukunuba - I have used this in the past and my dogs did not do well on it.

Re: Anal Glands

My first Lab had her's removed. I did not know what potential problems there might be, but she never had any.

I express my dogs' glands when they need it. The vet of my first Lab showed me how before we finally gave up and removed them. It's not that big of a deal and it's nice to be able to give them relief without waiting for a vet appt.

Re: Anal Glands

What ever the reason some dogs need their glands cleaned out, I have absoluletly learn to do this myself and take care of it.

Its like changing a diaper folks. You do what needs to be done.


For god sakes these are our babies. I have even treated nasty ear infections without a vet haven't you??????

To go to the vet every 3 or 6 weeks(whatever was posted) to have anal glands cleaned is ridiculous. Learn how to do it. Its no big deal.

Unless you are rolling in the dough to give it to the vet than more power to ya.

Re: Anal Glands

Get Real
What ever the reason some dogs need their glands cleaned out, I have absoluletly learn to do this myself and take care of it.

Its like changing a diaper folks. You do what needs to be done.


For god sakes these are our babies. I have even treated nasty ear infections without a vet haven't you??????

To go to the vet every 3 or 6 weeks(whatever was posted) to have anal glands cleaned is ridiculous. Learn how to do it. Its no big deal.

Unless you are rolling in the dough to give it to the vet than more power to ya.

There is no reason for you to put it that way *Get real*. Not everyone knows how to express the anal glands.

You really shouldn't have to clean the anal glands that often no matter who does it.

None of my dogs needed their anal glands cleaned until older age, 1 or 2x in a lifetime if ever. If a dog needs it that often, something is wrong. A good vet is in order to determine why that is happening.

Re: Anal Glands

Get Real
What ever the reason some dogs need their glands cleaned out, I have absoluletly learn to do this myself and take care of it.

Its like changing a diaper folks. You do what needs to be done.


For god sakes these are our babies. I have even treated nasty ear infections without a vet haven't you??????

To go to the vet every 3 or 6 weeks(whatever was posted) to have anal glands cleaned is ridiculous. Learn how to do it. Its no big deal.

Unless you are rolling in the dough to give it to the vet than more power to ya.

There is no reason for you to put it that way *Get real*. Not everyone knows how to express the anal glands.

You really shouldn't have to clean the anal glands that often no matter who does it.

None of my dogs needed their anal glands cleaned until older age, 1 or 2x in a lifetime if ever. If a dog needs it that often, something is wrong. A good vet is in order to determine why that is happening.

Wow! I thought I was amongst other lab friends. Thank you JMO for coming to my defense and helping put out the flames.

I don't think I should have to defend how I think or do things, but there is a reason why I go to the vet every 3 weeks and pay someone else who is trained and better at this small task. My boy's anal glands are so deeply embedded they don't empty on their own. The possibility of adding to his discomfort by expressing them myself is a "big deal" to me. Yes, "these are our babies" and I'm doing what "needs to be done." I'm not "rolling in the dough" but through the advice of my vet I am doing the responsible thing.

Let's not cast stones at each other because others don't do and think as you do. We're here to learn and support each other because "these are our babies."

Re: Anal Glands

Kathy M
Get Real
What ever the reason some dogs need their glands cleaned out, I have absoluletly learn to do this myself and take care of it.

Its like changing a diaper folks. You do what needs to be done.


For god sakes these are our babies. I have even treated nasty ear infections without a vet haven't you??????

To go to the vet every 3 or 6 weeks(whatever was posted) to have anal glands cleaned is ridiculous. Learn how to do it. Its no big deal.

Unless you are rolling in the dough to give it to the vet than more power to ya.

There is no reason for you to put it that way *Get real*. Not everyone knows how to express the anal glands.

You really shouldn't have to clean the anal glands that often no matter who does it.

None of my dogs needed their anal glands cleaned until older age, 1 or 2x in a lifetime if ever. If a dog needs it that often, something is wrong. A good vet is in order to determine why that is happening.

Wow! I thought I was amongst other lab friends. Thank you JMO for coming to my defense and helping put out the flames.

I don't think I should have to defend how I think or do things, but there is a reason why I go to the vet every 3 weeks and pay someone else who is trained and better at this small task. My boy's anal glands are so deeply embedded they don't empty on their own. The possibility of adding to his discomfort by expressing them myself is a "big deal" to me. Yes, "these are our babies" and I'm doing what "needs to be done." I'm not "rolling in the dough" but through the advice of my vet I am doing the responsible thing.

Let's not cast stones at each other because others don't do and think as you do. We're here to learn and support each other because "these are our babies."

Kathy, it's common for some people to be nasty on here and I would come to your defense anytime if someone speaks down to you. I held my tongue but there is no reason for people to speak to each other in that way.

Jill has cracked down by showing IP addresses and *Get Real* is testing the waters and will ruin it for everyone. I would show the abuser's IP addresses, not everyone's as it's frightened some away that have done nothing wrong.

I wish I knew more about anal glands so I could help but you are best off speaking to a good vet. I was taught how to express them and I won't do it after seeing my vet get covered in the fluids once.

You need a vet for problematic anal glands unless *Get Real* wants to come do it for you.

I hope he finds some comfort when they're expressed and don't let 1 person make you uncomfortable on here.