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We have had a much cooler and wetter summer than usual and one of my dogs has been hit with allergy problems this year. I have tried everything I can think of to rid her of the pink feet & excessive hair loss.
The vet & I have it down to grass allergies. His suggestion was to keep her off the grass, which I thought was kind of a dumb suggestion as even some of the shows are on grass.

Does anyone have any suggestions that I could try for her pink feet & excessive shedding?

I am feeding Taste of the wild dry dog food - Fish recipe.

Re: Allergies

you say your vet has it down to grass allergies-did he test for specific allergies? I can't imagine she would have increased hair loss due to grass allergies.
Is she licking her feet causing them to turn pick?
Are her ears okay?
Is he giving any meds at this point?

Re: Allergies

The vet gave her a Depro Medrol 1cc shot and that cleared everything up for almost 3 months. As she reacted well to that the vet said that her allergies were not food related and were more likly to be from grasses. She is on no meds at the moment.

She does lick her feet, but I would not say it was excessive licking.

Her ears have been fine for the most part.

Any suggestions to help our girl would be most appreciated.

Re: Allergies

In Need of Advice
The vet gave her a Depro Medrol 1cc shot

Please don't let your vet give anymore depo shots to your girl. Has the ability to give your dog Cushings. Not too many vets will willing give depo to a dog anymore.

Re: Allergies

OMG.....Why do vets not tell you of the side effects or problems that may arise. This was not my usual vet.

Thanks for letting me know.

Re: Allergies

Allergies are becoming more and more prevalent in our breed. Take your dog to a dermatologist and if it is found that she has allergies seriously consider spaying. Too many of our Labradors are suffering with persistently gunky ears, scratching, rashes, and sensitive stomaches. Allergies are inherited and miserable for dogs and owners.

Re: Allergies

Because the changes have occurred during wet weather, consider the possibility of fungus.