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Anesthesia for c-section

I have a bitch who had a 4 pup litter naturally last year. however, one of the pups was very large, didn't present fast enough, and we could not revive him. Well, the x-ray today says 4 pups, and several of them look big. So, I am planning a c-section. My Vet does a lot of Bulldog c-sections with success. He uses Isoflurane. Is that the proper anesthesia for mom and pups?

Re: Anesthesia for c-section

I would say most definitely, yes.

Re: Anesthesia for c-section

Sure it is.

Re: Anesthesia for c-section

Honestly the best anesthesia is the one that your vet is most knowledgeable and comfortable with. I personally would not change protocols nor use an anesthetic that I was not familiar with just because a breeder asked me to (I wouldn't be offended nor would I be rude about it, but I wouldn't do it). You want your vet to use what they know- that way they can be able to make assessments about how your dog is doing and make appropriate adjustments. I certainly don't mind folks asking what I use- and in a c-section you might want to ask that info prior to actually needing the section (as you have). I would say if you get stuck at an emergency clinic that you aren't used to, *most* should have propofol (and iso or fluro)and would be familiar with it so asking for that combo would not be inappropriate.

That being said, if your vet does a lot of bulldog sections and is successful at them I would say you are in very good hands.

There are a number of anesthesia protocols that are common- I would say most often the bitch is induced with propofol and maintained on isoflurane or sevoflurane. Some of the repro vets are also doing a line block (skin injection right along the incision line) to decrease the amount of systemic anesthesia.

Re: Anesthesia for c-section

Thanks so much for your responses. I spoke to a Bulldog breeder yesterday who uses the same vet, and she said that I couldn't be in better hands. So, aside from the normal "just nervous about the whole procedure" thing, I will rest knowing that she and the pups will be in good hands.

Re: Anesthesia for c-section

My vet uses propofol and I have been told it is safest for the pups.

Re: Anesthesia for c-section

Yes propofol IS very safe for the pups if used correctly. There have been cases of it being assumed too safe and used in a way that leads to problems. Again, it is HOW you use it that is often the most important aspect!

While it is possible in cases to do a section just on propofol (usually with a strong preanesthetic)- typically it is used as an induction agent (to be able to intubate the dog so it can be put on a gas anesthetic for maintenance). Propofol is very fast acting and wears off fast, not typically suitable for getting through the section on it alone.

Re: Anesthesia for c-section

After loosing most of my litter (healthy heartbeats and strong movement before going under- never took a breath) and talking with other breeders going through the same thing-same Vet, I talked with another Vet who does not recomend it. Lable reads......

6. Breeding Animals: Adequate data concerning the safe use of RAPINOVET injection in pregnant, lactating, and breeding dogs and cats have not been obtained. Propofol crosses the placenta, and as with other general anesthetic agents, the administration of propofol may be associated with neonatal depression.

7. Puppies and Kittens: The use of propofol has not been evaluated in puppies or kittens.

Re: Anesthesia for c-section

Isn't the manufacturer of Propofol voluntarily pulling at least some of the propofol?

I think the name of the pharmecutical co. is TEVA. Am I mixing this up with something else? I've heard other products they make aren't available either.