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Any results from Iriquois LRC today?

I haven't heard from my handler so I assume my girl didn't win. But I'd love to hear the results!

Re: Any results from Iriquois LRC today?

WD/BOW Kathy Mines open yellow class
WB Norman Grenier from the open yellow class
Opp Tilly

Re: Any results from Iriquois LRC today?

Groan. Kathy is not a dog. Norman is not a bitch. Can we please have AKC names.

Re: Any results from Iriquois LRC today?

WD & BOW was Folkaur Ghostwriter, handled by Kathy.

RWD was Sue Willumsen's Bred-by dog Willcare To Fly under The Radar

WB was Ocean Spray Snow Drop, handled by Norman

Sorry, I didn't catch RWB.

Re: Any results from Iriquois LRC today?

Congratulations to all the winners, but especially to Laura Dedering and her beautiful boy Casper! Way to go, team Folklaur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: ILRC Results

WD Folklaur Ghostwriter
RWD Willcare To Fly Under the Radar
WB Ocean Spray Snow Drop
RWB Elkens Charmed Miss Molly

BOB CH Casbar's Hart To Hart
BW Folklaur Ghostwriter
BOS CH Robnie's Chantilly at Lighthouse

Best Puppy Sweeps Willcare To Fly Under the Radar
Best Veteran Sweeps CH Willcare's Godiva JH