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Go, Team Folklaur!

Since Laura Dedering is too modest to brag on her own behalf, I'd like to brag a little for her! Laura's yellow boy, Canadian Champin Folklaur Ghostwriter (aka Casper) went WD and BOW for a five point major at the Iroquois Specialty today under breeder judge Mike Lanctot/Ebonylane, making him a new American Champion! Whoo Hoo, Laura and Casper! And kudos to Kathy Mines and Stephanie Forte for their wonderful handling skills!

Laura deserves accolades for breeding this very athletic, handsome, and deserving boy! Go Team Folklaur!

Re: Go, Team Folklaur!

Congrats Laura to you and your handsome boy!! What a way to finish!


Re: Go, Team Folklaur!

Congratulations Laura!!

Re: Go, Team Folklaur!


Re: Go, Team Folklaur!

Congrats Laura and Casper!

Re: Go, Team Folklaur!

Huge congrats Laura!!!!!

Re: Go, Team Folklaur!

Thank you, everyone, for your kind public and private congratulations.
What most of you do not know is why, and what a truly joyous occasion and celebration this really is for Casper, and for me.

Here is our story. When he was about 17 months old, Casper started having severe vomiting and diarrhea and he spiked a fever of 105. He was seen by two different vet offices before we began the desperate 2+ hour trip in rush hour traffic to Red Bank Vet Hospital. They did not expect him to reach Red Bank alive. When we arrived, he was still barely holding on. Despite knowing he was in the best possible place, on that Monday afternoon I held that sweet boy's head in my hands and kissed him goodbye, knowing he would probably not make it, and I would never see him alive again. They discovered he was in total bone marrow suppression caused by ingesting a toxin. By Wednesday he was still holding on with fluids and supportive care, but there was little or no hope that he would recover. Since I have Leukemia, I asked the doctors if they could give him Neupogen to help rebuild his marrow, just like the doctors had given me after my Chemo. The vets had never tried it for his condition and consulted with their oncologists. They didn't think it would help, but thought it couldn't do any more harm since he was dying anyway. Well, it worked! Two days later, on Friday afternoon, my wonderful, brave boy came home. He was 11 pounds underweight and shaved over every part of his body, neck, legs, feet and even his back. It took a year for his coat to shed out and come back in whole again.

So, you see, these Championships, his other very "special" wins, and the beautiful babies he is producing are the joyous celebration of hope. I had often wondered why me? Why did I get Leukemia? Now I believe it was so that I would know to suggest this treatment that would save Casper, and hopefully other wonderful animals. I feel it was worth it.

Laura D

Re: Go, Team Folklaur!

"So, you see, these Championships, his other very "special" wins, and the beautiful babies he is producing are the joyous celebration of hope."

Laura, Casper is a very lucky boy to have you, and God bless you for doing all you could for him. I have a feeling you are helping many people, and dogs, in many very unexpected ways!

Congratulations to you and Casper, and Kathy, too!