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feeding puppies question

Hey all,

Just wanted some feedback on what works well for you all with litters.

I'm second guessing my schedule.

I used to work afternoons and the feeding was scheduled around that - giving them a late meal. before they were 8 weeks, going to their new homes, i started getting them used to earlier meals.

In any case...
I feed at 8am , 2 pm and 8pm. The reason i went this route, is because the house settles down for 8 and it gives them a chance to wind down as well.

I was thinking of going earlier - and longer spans between, but i don't think they'll make it longer.

Also - how much do you feed your pups? I am feeding soaked Pro Plan Lge Breed Puppy. They seem to be eating alot and wanting more. i've been increasing more and more...and they are done so fast.

My pups are NOT overly chunky, they look great actually.
We only have the 5 pups in this litter, and i'm feeding nearly as much as i was feeding a litter of 8.
Anyone have any guidelines? at 6 weeks old, they are already over 9lbs.

Thanks guys!

Re: feeding puppies question

At that age mom was just finishing nursing them. I was feeding about 3/4 cup per pup. Feeding 3 times a day based on my schedule which was around 6am, noon and then about 5-6 pm. I still fed them out of one big bowl until they went home at 8 weeks. By 8 weeks they were eating about 1 cup each feeding.

Re: feeding puppies question

My schedule is about the same as above. My last feeding is 6-7:00. When mine go home they are about 3/4 cup each 3 times a day. But would think at 6 wks maybe 1/2 cup, just a guess, depends on size of pups.

Re: feeding puppies question

Thanks everyone so far.

scheduling for their meals, seems to be a bit of commoncy...i like the last feeding at 8 - it just is quieter through the house for them, and good play time, and not a peep out of them until 8 the next morning.

We are about 3/4 cups each pup as well. This morning- i gave them individual bowls for the first time - and that way i can see if they are all getting their fair share. I was shocked that they all stayed put with their bowls - noone moved around- and they each finished it within the same time of each other. Then they scattered to the door to go out - amazing!
They do say each litter is different, this one blows me away. With them over 9lbs already- i'm wondering if i should increase them this week. I don't believe in having heavy fat puppies. but i do believe in healthy ones! and don't want them still starving.
Thanks everyone

Re: feeding puppies question

If you go earlier in the evening, I would try to go earlier in the morning as well. I use to feed PP large breed puppy as well. However, some in my litters did not do as well as others, when it came to condition, growth, and fullness. Now I feed PP regualr chicken rice puppy and have had greater success, and more consistancy and development with my puppies.

Re: feeding puppies question

Mine are eating dry crunchy food by 6 weeks. 3 times a day and I don't have a regimented schedule so the exact times vary day to day. If I'm late feeding them they are fine - nobody has tipped over dead from starvation yet.

Re: feeding puppies question

Thanks again everyone.

I tried increasing to a cup each today- and they ate well this morning, but lunch they didn't and dinner they didn't. So going back to 3/4 cup each.

Nancy, my schedule is approx, not right on the nose either. if i am late, they are fine...but they did seem unusually more hungry than other litters i've had at this age. and correction - they are all over 8lbs, NOT 9 lbs as i prev posted. I had 9 in my head for some reason.
I do have half crunchy still and half soaked. i soak in water, but don't fill so much with only the bottom is still mush /moist and the top half is hard crunchy.
My adults are approx too. I've never had a dog wake me up to be fed because of it being past their breakfast LOL.