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greenish white color in vagina


I have a pet lab. Im really new to breeding. I noticed that the vagina of the pup seems to have something greenish white color on it! I dont think it is pus . The pup is 2 and a half months and is really active. It seems nothing is wrong with her.. I just want to know if its normal. I had a case of pup around 6 months ago dying because of a suspected distemper. i dont know if in overreacting.

Re: greenish white color in vagina

It sounds like she has a little vaginitis, but do check with your vet on Monday. Does she act like she feels OK?

Re: greenish white color in vagina

Take the pup to the vet and have her check.

Re: greenish white color in vagina

We had a pet lab many years ago who had a greenish discharge as a puppy and it was vaginitis. She needed antibiotics.

Re: greenish white color in vagina

is vaginitis a serious diseaseinfection?

Re: greenish white color in vagina

No. Have her checked, but antibiotics won't really do anything except give her yeast. Put her on cranberry caps and don't spay her until her first heat cycle.

Re: greenish white color in vagina

Are you sure this pup does not have a recessed vulva (RV)?

That usually causes UTIs rather than vaginitis but you never know.

Keep in mind that some vets have no idea what a RV looks like.

I still agree with others that you take her to the vet.

Re: greenish white color in vagina

No. Have her checked, but antibiotics won't really do anything except give her yeast. Put her on cranberry caps and don't spay her until her first heat cycle.

Until the pet owner knows if she has a receased vulva that's jumping the gun.

She should call the breeder of the puppy and speak with her vet when she brings her there.